[jargon|en] Congratulations to patar333 and the June Parliament of Canada

Day 917, 22:16 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc
Congratulations to the June Parliament of Canada. You will have many challenges laid before you and I trust that you will rise to the occasion.

You chose to run for office and were elected because you have leadership skills inside you waiting to be released. You will get my words and everyone else that is living in eCanada's word to politics or government. Because you have been entrusted with this responsibility, I'd like to give you some advice.

Don't listen to anyone but yourselves.

I wish I could offer you better advice, but I can't. Because I haven't even been a congressmen, I can't really offer better ideas like advance this policy or crush that one. I trust you all know what you're doing anyways, seeing as the vast majority of you are incumbents that were reelected. You must have learned how to be Members of Parliament somehow because you were elected. I didn't, so I'm not.

Why would you even want to seek input from uninformed people anyways? That doesn't sound like good governance. In Canada, we believe in the aristocracy of the experienced, so only people who have experience should have any input, and people who don't shouldn't - gaining experience by serving in Parliament requires that you have already done that, right? You've worked hard to make this system; keep it that way.

Keep doing what you're doing.

I know that you care deeply about Canada. You wouldn't, otherwise you wouldn't hold office. Continue to trust, like you have, that nothing will happen and you will be around here for months, if not years. Because you will be around, there's no reason to attempt to pass your leadership along to others, or encourage other excited citizens to advance. We have a small population, so it only makes sense that we have a small circle of governance. Do not plan for an event that may cause you to depart Canada, because that won't happen - it hasn't happened yet, eh?

Congratulations, returning Members of Parliament. You've done so much for yourselves in your ivory tower, which by convention means that you've done so much for Canada.