[jamesw for president] Domestics: retaining new players, not water weight

Day 1,657, 14:57 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Before I begin, if you have no idea who I am, or why I am running for president, I refer you to the following article; (here) where I announce my candidacy, introduce who I am, and explain why I'm a p cool yaoi hot boi guy.

It would be somewhat perplexing for me to begin a tirade about how our domestic ministries require fundamental change. The fact is, I have yet to see a Presidential candidate say anything else. The norm is to appear to be absolutely on the ball. The reality is that every policy change is ultimately a gamble, based on either the candidates experience, or the experience of someone advising the candidate. So, whilst I may not seem overly revolutionary, please do not mistake this for a lack of effort or interest; I am simply stating (as I always have), what I feel is achievable, without undermining the continuing operation of Government. Fundamental change comes at a price; it disrupts how a Ministry can work, and ultimately results in time spent adjusting, when time could and should be spent doing.

Firstly, allow me to talk about what I feel, is the primary purpose of this months' Governments Domestic policy; interaction with "new" players. These are players which will hold memberships, but not use their memberships to take advantage of our community. Parties, Military Units, Government Schemes; all of these offer players rewards, but also, a reason to keep playing.

Thus, I would like to announce the formulation of a new ministry, tasked with ensuring that these new players not only have a centralised venue through which they can apply for existing, and new, generous grants/help from Government (like the very successful NHS - which according to this months Ministers has around a 70% retention rate, of those who apply). This 'Ministry of Retention' will be run in parallel with our existing 'Ministry of Home Affairs'.

Both will have mutually exclusive, but complementing roles; 'MoHA' will continue to be the public face of Government for all; guides, interviews and 'genuine content' will surface from the place we've grown accustomed to.

However, the Ministry of Retention will seek to 'nurture' the youth that quite frankly, this Government has failed to. Reforms are not just about throwing food, weapons or GBP at an issue. Instead, its about introducing food, and weapons, and GBP, as an incentive; or nudge for new players.

Rather than constituting the sum total of policy, these must be introductory gifts towards a policy; an approach, or as I will outline, an attempt to systemically account for the integration of our babies. It may cost us to get players onto the forums, and onto IRC, but ultimately we will reap the rewards for months and months, if we can successfully convince them to stick around.

Successive governments, including my own, have focused this policy to mean one thing; JOIN IRC JOIN FORUMS, OK COOL. This need not be the case; one does not need to idle in chatrooms, talking to Diakunts or playing Trivia to be considered 'engaged'.

So, as opposed to focusing things outside of the eRepublik experience, or tools such as IRC which are somewhat outdated, the main role that the Ministry of Retention will fulfil, is to maximise both the in game, and popular methods of interaction. Articles, PM'ing; they hold their purpose. However tools more commonly used, such as Skype, Facebook, and of course, email are all tools which everyone will use every day.

My government will begin by operating joint Skype, Facebook and Email accounts; these will be standard addresses which will hopefully form continuing opportunities for players to seek assistance, advise, or just a general chat. No longer will people need to begin their eRepublik experience by downloading IRC, creating forum accounts offsite, or generally having to search for help - it will now be available within tools and websites which they already use.

In terms of 'basic' changes - I can be quite blunt. The NHS is working well. However, it can be much more encouraging. I'd like to propose that the current criteria is amended somewhat; instead of one month of free things, I'd like the NHS to be around for two.

Twice the fun: twice the cost? Well, in fact, far from it. Of the current NHS 'help receivers', this would mean an increase of around 20-25% in numbers; and from this, costs.

Far from being unaffordable, I would say this is invaluable - the more help we can give, the more likely people are to be 'saved' from the current setup of the game (ie, disinterested, unable, and thus alienated, and ultimately, no longer here).

Of course, one of the key things which is used to tempt players into our existing, and widely used tools (IRC/Forums) is the use of free things. This will be expanded, so that players have a real incentive to give our community a try. However, we should also reward those who invite players or point them in the right direction. Thus, rewards will not only be for the new player joining, but also, to those who put in the time and effort to get in contact with them.

Contacting the government via email, skype or facebook will see players receive enough money to begin building an economic presence; they will be offered no hassle weapons simply for making contact. This will be tracked, and the cost published, as well as all those assisted, once per week. The reward will be cumulative, and somewhat generous:

- First contact (any tool; email/skype or facebook) will be rewarded with 5 Q6 weapons.
- Second contact will result in a double reward; 10 Q6 weapons.

After their second contact, players will be reminded of our onsite chances for interaction; with links to Ministers, and Ministerial Organisations / Newspapers. As well as this, they will be offered the chance to either join our offsite communities (forums/IRC), or if they have already done so, offered the chance to claim the following rewards;

- Sign up to the eUK Forums and post in the new player section; Rewar😛 10 Q6 Weapons.

Players who do join the forums, or make themselves known on IRC, will be invited to complete a survey on how their experience was, and offer suggestions on how we can further tailor this to be more intuitive, helpful and accessible. Those who do not will be offered the chance to complete a different survey; what else we could have done, or what we should do better/differently/etc to make the experience one which would have resulted in them joining the forums/IRC.

All those who complete these surveys, will be given a further 1500 GBP to build another Iron Mine.

So I have told you what we hope to do. But pray tell, how will we do so? The Ministry of Home Affairs will be responsible for building lists of new players. Anyone who helps the Ministry by messaging lists of 50 users, writing articles, or shouting existing articles, will be rewarded in the following ways;

- Message 50 players (5 Q6 weapons per list)
- Write an article (link to be given to Ministry - reward of between 5 and 50 Q6 weapons based on article's content, presentation and popularity)
- Shout an existing Government Article (1 Q6 for every shout - links must be provided to Ministry of Home Affairs)

Why should a Government reward players for helping? The idea behind this is simple; it is important for everyone to help players find their way; Government alone can only do so much. Together, united, we can create a community whose driving goal is to engage with, aide, and ultimately groom the next generation of players.

I hope that whilst this article appears light in content (although heavy in explanation) it is indicative of my focus domestically; a consistent, inclusive, accessible and most of all, highly lucrative approach. Ultimately, the best way to integrate players is to ensure they have every opportunity, across a variety of tools, to see who we are, what we do, and why we need them to keep playing.

Finally, I would like to announce that all players who assist in any way in 'retention based activity' will be entered into a weekly prize draw. That is, both participants in surveys, ministerial aides, or just good-wishing citizens who volunteer. The Ministry of Home Affairs will randomly select three people people per week. First Place will be awarded 8500 GBP. Second place: 3000 GBP, and third place will receive 10 Q6 weapons.

Thank you for reading, and keep your eyes peeled; the next article in this series will focus much more on the role of the 'other' ministries; Legislative Affairs and Finance. I want to show that these ministries need not act 'alone'; in isolation from the public at large - what they do can be published. Legislative Affairs can constitute an account of 'what it is' to be involved; and will be tasked with ensuring that there is content available which will outline the rewards, tribulations and fun, that comes from being 'involved'.

Finance, will begin the task of outlining public budgets and the availability of statistics, etc. To be blunt, our current setup, with only those 'in the know' being able to know our balance, our income or expenditure, is a joke. Nearly a year ago, I made the Ministry publish these things in public; because it gave congress (individually and collectively) a chance to offer accounts for reform; they knew what we could afford to spend.

Of course, these things will be further outlined tomorrow. So, until then,

Lots of deviant Diakunt love

PPS: I am still looking for applicants for the following positions;

- Minister of Home Affairs (x2)
- Minister of Foreign Affairs (x2)
- Minister of Defence (x1) (1 Position Filled)
- Minister of Retention (x2)
- Minister of Legislative Affairs (Filled)
- Minister of Finance (Filled)