♥ IUP Update: Week Two

Day 918, 13:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Union Party

Dearest Irish Union Party Members:

As promised, here is your weekly update from the Party Princess herself 😉

First, I just wanted to thank everyone for working so well with me in regards to the Congressional elections. The IUP has officially secured 9 seats in Congress! I’ve been hearing that’s really good!

Congrats to everyone who ran and thanks again to all you voters!

What’s Been Going On This Week?

Well besides working hard to flood all of your inboxes (sorry about that), I’ve been striving to fulfill the promises I made in the last update (to be discussed in more detail below) and to make sure all of the IUPites are doing well.

Which brings me to my first order of business: Wellness

I was very surprised to see so many of our wonderful members having low wellness while being active citizens! It’s a tough thing, this new V2 healing business, but luckily for the IUP, we have even closer connections to wellness boosting than we thought! One of our own, Paschoall, is the wonderful Minister of Health.
I have referred many of you to the MoH so far (I have notified you of this via PM), but the others of you who are struggling should contact Paschoall. We need to look good as a party! We can’t have sickly citizens roaming about! Get healthy!

Another thing: Deployments
Please keep in mind that the Princess is new to this! She had a small oversight when she made the Member Spreadsheet last week! She forgot about you wonderful soldiers who have deployed to help eIreland!

Those of you who are deployed and have received messages from me, you have no need to worry for I have found you! But others of you who are deployed and have NOT received messages from me regarding the IUP, please PM me ASAP.

Thanks much!

The Promises

If you all remember from last week’s update, I made 5 promises that I would fulfill by this time.

1) PM every member

Every member should have been PMed at least once (if you’re a rather new member) and twice for most of the rest of you.
If you haven’t received any PMs from me (for whatever strange reason) please let me know.

I’m excited to say that most of the members are actually still very active! As I mentioned before, we do have to see membership go down some before we can really see great improvements, but this week was a little different!
Six old members have moved on to eHeaven this week, but we have gained NINE new members!
Counting all of our currently deployed members, we have 104 wonderful members!

2) Come up with an IUP exclusive contest!

I’ve come up with TWO, actually!
One is explained in full detail on the IUP Forum in the “CONTESTS!” section.

The other will be explained towards the end of this article.

3) Make IUP Party Ads
Check! Check! Check!

I’ve made three of them! And I will make two more after this article is published. If you have any ideas for fun ads, please let me know 🙂

4) Get Feedback From Everyone

I sent around a PM with a link to the survey about some issues that were already being discussed by some of your fellow IUPites. Many of you have responded (thanks for that) and others of you have not. I have posted the link on the forum under the “Politics” section if you should be one of those people.

What did I learn from the feedback survey?

The survey answers helped me to see how the majority of the party views some of the key issues we need to be thinking about. Military issues specifically.
Judging by the answers you all have provided and the pressing issues of a potential war with the eUK upon us, I think the focus of the next week needs to be on the military and how the IUP stands in regards to key issues circulating around it.

I’ve started a thread in the “Military” section of the forum to discuss these issues.

It will be imperative for you, as an active member, to stay informed and give your input!

5) PM New Citizens
Check x104!

I’ve PMed 104 lovely new citizens and have received about 52 PMs in response. Not bad.
Please note: I’m not messaging new citizens to talk about the IUP specifically. I would just like them to have a friendly Princess friend to talk with and to hopefully remember when it comes to issues of party importance. The more friends we have, the better chances we have to accomplish what we seek to do.

The IUP Exclusive Contest

First, I just want to say that the amount of feedback I have gotten from IUP members about contest ideas has been great and I have a lot of fun ideas to last us for several weeks in the future! This week, though, the contest will be focused on knowing your fellow IUPites!

We’ll start off with a pretty easy contest so everyone can get their feet wet and then next week we’ll move on to more complicated puzzles ♥

I like to call this game Quick Quotes!

Below are 7 quotes from your fellow IUPites. The quotes come from newspaper articles that they have written (no more than one month ago). It is your job to figure out whose newspaper the featured quote comes from.

And from my Ministress of Community experiences, I can just feel that everyone will need a hint:
Hint: The quotes will come from the first 60 members listed on the Membership list on the party page.

The Quotes

1) ”…my ‘mom’ Irish Princess…”

2) “Now for the meat and potatoes”

3) “Pizza is AWESOME!”

4) “There is more to say on this subject, but I have ranted long enough”

5) “I don’t play games like World of Warcraft, EVE, or Runescape…”

6) “Those Gypsy Serbians are in the possession of Sindh”

7) You can find this quote ONLY on the forums! Look under the “CONTESTS!” section. (Yes, I know. It’s a mean way to get you all on the forums ♥)

Please submit your answers to the Irish Union Party Org (which you all should have friended by now) via a PM with the Subject titled “Quick Quotes”
I also ask that all answers be submitted in the following format:
1- Citizen A
2- Mrs. Citizen
*Please note that I am looking for the name of the CITIZEN, not the name of his/her newspaper*

The Prizes

Of course you all want to know the good stuff!
The more participation I have on this, the better.

1st Place: 2 Q5 weapons
2nd Place: 2 Q4 weapons
3rd Place: 2 Q3 weapons
4th Place: 2 Q2 weapons
5th Place: 2 Q1 weapons
6th+ Place: 5 IEP

How come the MoC prizes are so much better than the IUP contest prizes, Princess?

Aw, c’mon, Hypothetical Citizen! They aren’t that bad! But I see what you mean. It’s because the Princess is funding the prizes for this contest BY HERSELF!
You can help to make the prizes and the party better by donating to the Irish Union Party Org in the future.

You have a week from today (that’d be Wednesday, Day 926) to get your answers in. Thanks!

What’s Going On For Next Week?

Next week I hope to have done the following:

1) Messaged everyone once again with a check-in PM

In this PM, I will probably include a link to this article, another link the forum for those of you who are not yet there (much to my sadness), and a brief outline of where the platform is going this week.

2) Formatted the results to the Survey

The survey I mentioned earlier was really helpful (thanks everyone). I will be conducting another one soon. Until then, I would like to put the results in a comprehensive format for you all to see. That will be coming around via PM and will, of course, be on the forum by next week.

3) Written the Military Section of the Platform

As I mentioned earlier, one of the big things I learned from the survey was the clear military stance from the IUP as a whole. I hope to use this basis to jumpstart the discussion and actual drafting of the military section of the party’s platform.
My goal is to have this drafted, discussed, and agreed upon so it can be published in next week’s update.

What Should YOU Do for Next Week?

Most of you were FLITTERIFIC in your participation last week! We’ve got lots of people on the forums, the IUP Org has tons of new friends now, and I know you all are alive!

This week is mainly about participation as well. By this time next week, I encourage you all to have:

1) Entered the IUP Contests

Play the games! They’re just for you! That’s fun homework, right? Remember that in addition to the “Quick Quotes” game above, there is also another contest on the IUP Forums.
It’s a scavenger hunt! Really cool!

2) Visited the Forums

And involve yourself with the drafting of the military section of the platform. This is going to come together very quickly, and I want everyone to feel like they have had the opportunity to have a say in the construction of the party’s stances.

3) Look out for and Reply to my PMs

I know some of you get annoyed with my quasi-constant PM stream, but it’s a good way for me to keep everyone involved and keep tabs on who is still breathing 🙂

There will be that normal weekly PM and there should be another with the information about the survey results in it as well. Keep a look out and PLEASE give me some feedback.

Princess Secret: She’s almost always paranoid people are disappointed in her work. Consequently, she loves it when people tell her what she’s doing well and what she could be doing better.

That’s it for this week.
Good luck with the contests and keep at it on the forums!

Notice: The Princess and her lovely patton will be departing for Alaska on Saturday and will consequently have limited internet access. I plan to go on with the weekly updates as usual, but please bear with me if I answer your PMs a little slower than usual. Thanks!

Irish Princess ♥
President of the Irish Union Party