[Irule4CP] Foreign Affairs Continued

Day 1,956, 11:01 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Australia’s foreign policy has changed drastically in the last few months alone. Just in January, less than a few weeks ago, we had a treaty with Chile and CoT, our invaders. We’d actively pursued joining the alliance and MPPing their friends. Now, we’re signing an MPP with EDEN nation, China. Personally, I think we’ve certainly moved back onto the right track. As President of Australia, I will not seek membership with the nations who had attacked us, brought us down, and then ignored us. We need an MPP stack filled with allies, friends, and people who actually care about us. And that is what I will work towards as President.


Australia and South Africa recently announced a new alliances between the two of us, the NaN. While this may not seem so significant, being that we’re already MPP partners, I consider it a great step in the right direction. The NaN may only have two members right now, however, as a member of the FA staff this month and someone who has put many hours of work into this, I can assure you that growth is coming. Several other nations have expressed keen interest in joining the alliance, and even some have officially applied through our communication channels and are being approved by their congress’s. The NaN is our way back into the international world.

But, what does this mean for Australia? Through the setup of the new alliance, we’ve made not only political and economical connections, but huge military ones. We’re growing our MPP stack through friends while creating a group of allies who want to fight for Australia, and who we can evenly help back. Even some large and influential nations have been interested in joining the NaN. If elected, I will push this relationship to build communication through all our governments and MUs, to ensure the alliance can focus on winning back not only Australia, but assisting any member state who joins.

MPP Stack

This month we made more advancements in our MPP stack and potential friendships then in a while. New MPP’s and new potential MPP’s have showed that we do have allies out there, and it’s time to keep reaching out. This month, when elected, I will not only focus on building the NaN, but just our friendships in general. As a nation, we’ve started reaching out to TWO nations, and many others just so we had some allies around. My plan? To continue this.

China was a new and at first, controversial MPP we added this month. I think China was a good start to showing that we’re moving away from our attackers and sticking with people who actually like us and would provide damage for us. I think the Chinese MPP was a great start to a renewed friendship and I will support it and them. While we’re not looking to join EDEN or MPP all their nations, we’ll certainly keep relations open in that field for potential allies and friends.

Ambassador Program

It’s been a little while since we had the Ambassador Program and I believe it’s a great item for any government to employ. Ambassador jobs are not only a good start for new players and good educational tools, but also great ways to tell other nations how interested you are in them. While it’s not a huge thing we’ll be focused on, I will have my Senior Minister of Foreign Affairs to attempt to reopen and recalibrate the department. Let’s get those ambassadors rolling!

iVote Irule

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