[Irule4CP] FA - The Problem/CoT

Day 1,954, 15:44 Published in Australia USA by irule777

Irule777 for Prime Minister

We’re NE’d, attacked and bullied on an average basis. We suffer the abuse and constant annoyance others pose on us. The Circle of Trust has brought nothing but constant trouble to the Australian nation, our people, and our politics. It affects not only our Defence and Foreign Policies, but every internal agenda item that comes up. CoT is dying, and we’re very happy to no longer be apart of it.

It’s unthinkable to me to hear people speak about being friends with CoT, or “leaving that door open”. Australia has played host to the imperialistic nations of the world for far too long and attempted to time and time again, ally ourselves with these people to end it. Months ago, it sounded like a great idea. Now? Not even close. Australia will no longer play host to these imperialistic nations nor shall we allow them to continuously abuse our friends and allies.

If elected Prime Minister, I will not allow us to go down such a path. People have wished to be ruled by cowardly, arrogant and greedy imperialist nations and citizens in the name of a deal for a few regions. It compromises our security, our sovereignty, and our community. Australians now have come to light more and more on how bad of an idea it is, and I couldn’t agree more.

Stand up. Fight for the regions that are rightfully ours. If elected, I will never sit down and allow greedy bunches of players to control our regions at will because we’re too wimpy to figure something out ourselves. Australia is a strong nation and I will never accept anything less. NaN is a growing alliance, many small nations can achieve a lot and our MPP stack is on the rise, this month we’ve come up with more communications with nations than ever and have made huge moves in the field of foreign affairs towards all sorts of new directions. We have loads of new options on the table that weren’t there last month, and I won’t accept going back to a CoT controlled policy.

Don’t accept our nation for anything less then we have the potential to be. Through MPPs, ADF and MU coordination, the NaN and our own citizens, we can fend off the threat. Don’t expect it to be easy. I don’t and many others do not, but we’ll have fun doing it and be sure to annoy imperialistic nations and make sincere efforts into recovering our regions, while stopping their growth. But to sit down and to take the easy way, bargain for a few nations with people who will never let us into CoT or their MPP stacks, it’s stupidity. Many great people have said that madness is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Australia is on the path towards creating a new alliance, the NaN, which has attracted loads of interest. We’ve started building an MPP stack, and as an MoFA, I can personally say that we’ve made huge advances in foreign relations with potential partners and allies this month.

Australia has hit a bump and started heading in the wrong direction. The old is gone and the new is here and we will work towards that new and exciting different direction that this bump has caused us to swing into.

iVote for Irule

Coming Tomorrow, Foreign Affairs - The Solution