[Interview]RoyMunson: CAF are Prepared for Every Possible Scenario!

Day 480, 00:02 Published in Canada Canada by SensibleVoices
Note: This is RoyMunson's actual picture.

The person who we are interviewing today needs no introduction. eBorn during the era now known as the Baby Boom, RoyMunson learnt the tricks of the trade fairly soon. An active member of the PPC, he comfortably won a Congress seat from his home province of Saskatchewan due to his popular appeal. The freshman congressman was listed among “The Top 10 Most Influential Canadians” by the prestigious Freeholder Press.

The following is the recent exchange we had on the 479th day of the New World with the politically correct politician, who likes to think of himself as a perfectionist. We spoke on topics ranging from war to political mud slinging.

The Sensible Voice: Congratulations for achieving so much in such a short span of time. What is the one thing which draws you to Erepublik so much?

RoyMunson: I think it's the sense of community. eCanada is packed full of interesting, funny, and intelligent citizens that leads me to want to be an active member in it.

TSV: About how much time do you spend on Erep in a day?

RM: When I'm not writing term papers and studying, I like to spend two or three hours on IRC and the forums. There are a lot of things happening quickly, and it is my duty as a representative of Saskatchewan to be informed. I enjoy taking part in Congressional Discussions as often as possible.

TSV: Ok, moving on to in-game topics, The new government has had a hectic week 1 in office. There has been talk in the media and an article claiming to give the government a D+ in its performance. What do you have to say in this regard? How would you personally rate the work done?

RM: I am proud of what our administration has been doing. There has been bi-partisan input and support by almost everyone in politics. The world is in a time of turmoil, and I am confident our government is working for the good of eCanada.

TSV: What further reforms can we expect from the present administration in this coming week specifically?

RM: At the moment the administration is working on many things. The eUS has recently agreed to an MPP with us, so the threat of American invasion has been quelled for the time being. Further time is being spent on the current CAF supply process reforms. We have more MPPs to sign with Britain and Norway. I know Bruck has also planned on conducting extensive discussions with members of ATLANTIS on the security of eCanada.

With the recent rise in the prices and drop in the amount available of weapons, the government has lowered both the weapons import tax and the iron import tax.

TSV: Ok, that answers my next question regarding the tax changes,because the changes seem to be contrary to what the CFC Platform stated.

How would you rate our performance in the recent battle with France? Were we able to effectively test our new supply system?

RM: The CAF soldiers and all other citizens were incredibly brave and incredibly effective in the fight against eFrance. I am proud of all who participated. Without the aid of powerful allies, we would have wiped the 'plancher' with them.

As for the supply system, the first test yielded positive results. CAF soldiers received supplies and wellness efficiently and effectively. The administration, as well as Coda and JT, will continue to improve parts of the supply system to improve effectiveness.

Effective must be my buzz word tonight... Friday the 13th.

TSV: Right now, the CAF is running at full capacity. Are there any immediate plans of starting recruitment again?

RM: General Coda has undertook the process of eliminating the active status of those citizens are are deemed 'inactive'. This will create openings for new members to join the CAF.

Minister Rearden is doing an excellent job leading the eCanadian economy into the future. His efforts, and the efforts of the Administration and Congress, will give us the ability to expand our military forces and maintain a high level of activity in the months to come.

TSV: Moving to a totally different topic,
There's been a lot of buzz in some sections of the American Media about “merging” with eCanada. This has been a subject of hot debate in the Canadian Media and IRC as well, given USA's imperialist leaning (see Mexico), is there a reason for Canadians to be worried about an American attack? Has there been any official talk between the Governments of both nations in this regard?

RM: There has never been any official talks of merger between the governments of eUS and eCanada. The best thing we can do is show the Americans that we are a strong, unified country. ATLANTIS remains fully committed to eCanada and our sovereignty. President Bruck and Minister of Defence Ironman remain on good terms will all our allies, including the eUS.

TSV: So, all the talk about a possible merger is merely speculation?

RM: Absolutely. There are no credible sources that say otherwise. There have been sensationalist American newspapers attempting to gain more subscribers. I am not worried, the government and the CAF are prepared for every possible scenario.

TSV: Indonesia is literally knocking at North America's doors with its huge expansion up north in Asia. How prepared are we as a nation to defend ourselves in the event of a full fledged offensive against Canada?

RM: Well, In order for Indonesia to come into conflict with us is through Russia and Alaska. By that point, ATLANTIS will have mobilized, along with the CAF and all other citizens to defend our borders.
Indonesia is aggressive and dangerous, but we are a strong, resilient nation.

TSV: Lastly, moving to Party Politics! We have the elections in a few hours, I'm going to ask the question everybody's asking.

What's Augustus Baldwin doing in the CSD? Any Comments?

RM: Augustus Baldwin is a bright, honorable, and loyal Canadian. His contribution to the CSD as party president would only improve it.

TSV: Is there a race in the PPC this time for Party President?

RM: I am aware that there is going to be three candidates: Ironman, Joey Phillips and Robert More. I support a co-presidency between Ironman and Joey Phillips. It'll be interesting to see what actually happens. PPC members will get to decide the direction of their party.

TSV: What are the future plans of the PPC in the upcoming Congressional and Presidential Elections?

RM: The PPC has to get together as a party, after the upcoming PP election and figure that out. Right now, we stand behind the CFC and President Bruck, but the future is unclear at the moment. Our members are informed and active, and they will dictate what the PPC does.

TSV: Now, we have what I call “The Rapid Fire Round”. I ask you a quick question, and you answer in a word or two.
Are you ready?
(Note to Readers: This will be a regular feature in all my interviews!)

RM: Yep!

TSV: “Hitting the Gym” in RL or “Train” in Erep?
RM: Train.

TSV: PPC going solo in the next elections or the CFC Again?
RM: Coalition.

TSV: At this point of time, which alliance is stronger, ATLANTIS or PEACE?

TSV: Would you start a business with a Food or Gift Company?
RM: Neither.

TSV: Sheep or Cows?
RM: Sheep.

TSV: Care to elaborate? 😛
RM: They're soft.

TSV: Hmm.... Nice!!! The headline would be "RoyMunson loves sheep, they're soft!"
RM: Not again!

TSV: Very offensive to cows. Ok, any message you want to send out to your fellow Canadians?

RM: It's time for all the Red Wing fans in eCanada to get ready for a first round playoff exit! And let's all make an effort to elect active and enthusiastic congressmen on the 25th, no matter what party.
Have a good Saint Patty's day!

TSV: Any plans for the weekend?
RM: Beers, Grass, and hockey!

TSV: Sounds Great!! Thanks for your precious time and updating us with the latest buzz in the government. Have a great weekend Congressman.

RM: And thanks to SensibleVoices for taking the time to talk to me about important issues. You are an integral part of eCanadian media.

The Sensible Voice
The Right Choice