[Info] What is wrong in present government?

Day 817, 16:51 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Red_Baxter
Hello Czech Republic Citizens.

So, one week has passed since John Locked has been chosen for new president of Czech Republic.
First week of new government functioning has ended, and point of this article is to show all citizens of Czech Republic how does this new government works; what has changed, which projects are new, which actions are ˝good˝ or ˝bad˝ for country, what is level of cooperation between government members ect.

Anyway, I must inform you I am only Minister of Industry in this new government, who is responsible only to manage particular national companies in his ministry possession, according to John Locked manifest.
Therefore, I am not in position to give you whole picture of our state functioning as I am only one wheel of this machine that is taking care of our country while you, citizens, are having fun in this game (well, as much as we can have fun in here).
But certainly I will try to make picture complete, picture that is created according to my discussions with my colleagues, having somewhat limited, but enough valuable insight in their works and accomplishments so far.

Notice: everything I will bring out in this article is reflection of my understanding and insight in all issues, and I dont care if I will make ˝enemies˝ (or smth like that)... Truth is most important, and every individual here is free to make his own statement about things happened.
This is my statement and insight.

How we functioned in past?

Ok, as most of you know, last month we had quite poor government last month, but I believe it was in good hands, in hands of people who have vision and knows what is the best for our country. Just to remind you, Vit Ruzicka was president, Gertrude Groan was MoD, I was Minister of Finances and Economy and Weinfass was Minister of Foreign Affairs. Apart from couple more companions that helped us (some of them left eRepublik, sadly), that was it. Quite small cabinet, but qualified enough to cover most important issues of this country.

I will openly tell you how we functioned.

Regarding national companies:

Q1 bread company = Used for 0skill job offers, so that new citizens can have job from where they can start working - been active last month, inactive 2+ month ago

Q1 weapon company = as gift from Nicneumel to state, with 1000 q1 weapons already at stock, we used it for some time as military company (company that offered minimum wage, but giving free weapons to soldiers), later we transfered it into capital company that offered job for workers with manu skill 3 - 5. Continued with stocking q1 weapons for army.

Q2 weapon company = started functioning during blasphemer, first soldier company, later transfered into capital company, that offered job for workers with manu skill 5-6. continued with stocking weapons for army. In latest time, started with regulating CZR weapon market.

Q3 weapon company = My personal property, loaned it in service of CZ military to stock q3 weapon for soldiers. Functioning from beginning as capital company, offering skill 7 job.

Those are all national companies that were managed by Gertrude and me. We supplied them with state CZK for payments and money for raw materials, and that is pattern which is mostly known.

Regarding finances

We had Ministerstvo Financi org, whose role was something like ˝agent˝ between our National Bank and companies that needed daily money for payments and raw materials. Also, it had role in regulation of our Monetary Market, rather than National Bank itself.
I, as Minister of Finances had no access to National bank, only to that ministry, by which I and Vit, as only holder of National bank password, cooperated very organized and simple.

How are those issues managed today?

Q1 weapon company = Today, it is turned from completely military company into company that generates profit (actually, it is not making any profit if we look at whole picture), selling weapons from stock.
How is that?
In last days, company counted aprox. 2300 q1 weapons (!!!), that were stocked only for our military use. It was product of long, hard and organized work from blasphemer, Gertrude Groan and me. But present government sold 1400 q1 weapons on Russian market for price aprox. 0.075gold peer unit. Part of money gone on Russian taxes. If we take into concern that those weapons were in process of making long time before, when q1 weapon per unit cost aprox. 0.13gold, we can see that we lost almost half of money we invested with this selling.
Not only that, but 20gold was payed for license in Russia, license that is not needed in national military company... We just lost our national 1300 weapons stock, which we so hardly collected.
To be straight, making profit with q1 weapon is dubious thing to say in eRepublik, only thing we are doing with this move is making our country industry bad for workers, when we have to export q1 weapon outside for lowest price on eRepublik!

Q2 weapon company = It is runned by MoD Erixxx. Erixxx started with reorganization of our army, but gave no report yet about his plans. As I see, he started with ˝minimum wage + weapons˝ system witout letting no one notice about it. He have no access (apparently didnt asked last MoD about it) to list of soldiers, and it would be good to start new mobilization, we all need some incentive to work for country, I guess 😃

Q3 weapon company = fortunately, only me have access to my personal org, and I can continue with stocking q3 weapon for our army without others interfering that business. But again, attacks on this initiative started to happen, what you can see in latest bank report...
That´s how we deal with finances 😃

Again, its in quite questionable situation, because government have quite interesting politic about national companies: creation of profit, and by profit, it means ˝money˝, not products for our army, not food for citizens and any other material property, other than money.

As I can see from relations around national companies, care about our Job Market regulation is not present. Our Job Market is very small, and there simply must be national interference in it, in order to hold at least fair prices for our citizens. In latest time, KFC and Qbilius food companies placed new job offers, while situation on our Job Market for last 5days was such, that only National Weapons Q3 offered job for skill 5+.

Finances and MM

Our Minister of Finances has started with offering national gold for CZK on Monetary Market. Let we check current state of country finances:

At the moment we have aprox. 225gold and 20000CZK in bank account. 100gold has left yesterday for needs of MPP renewal with Malaysia, but we will discuss this latter, because I will point out my view on that.
We have started with selling gold for CZK in rate = 60CZK for 1gold. If we turn back and check situation on our MM 5months before, we will see that CZK for gold rate was: 0.008-0.009gold for 1CZK (120CZK for 1gold). In rush action of foreign speculators, we lost that exchange rate, CZK value risen up to 0.024gold for 1CZK in one moment (aprox. 3 times higher value).
I dont know what perception of our rate and world monetary market our government have, but we dont need CZK, especially CZK from speculators who bought it 2x cheaper. What our Monetary Market politic must be, is to lower cost of CZK on a level it must be (and level that must be is not present one. If there is no ˝gold for CZK˝ offers on our MM, then it is because CZK is not much wanted currency because of its small market, but also because there is already too much of it outside. When we realize that people who need CZK will always make better profit if they post offer ˝gold for CZK˝, then we can say that there are not much people keen to get CZK. But monetary market ˝CZK for gold˝ is full of offers... Why? Because everyone wants to get rid of it, especially speculators who bought it earlier. Speculators work on way to buy out CZK of lower rates, just so that they can offer bought CZK for higher rate.
What I see as best decision for our finances at this moment, is CZK devaluation. It is quite radical and unpleasant move, but I say that we must keep track on saving gold, especially because MPPs (Training wars) are payed by gold, not by CZK, which we can issue in rate: ˝200CZK for 1gold˝ in any moment.

Maybe you think about contradiction in my statements when I say: We must offer fair prices for workers, but not stable ˝gold for CZK rate˝. Its simple. We can offer people high salaries because we dont lack CZK, but we lack gold, and we cannot offer them fair exchange rate. We are too poor and we need gold in our state accounts to at least keep functioning in proper way. Thats why I am pushing devaluation of CZK, because I think its only proper way to get out of this mess.

I hope all those informations somewhat made all of you to think about financial processes of nation in much complex and cautious way, way we must pick bringing new projects not recklessly and in term ˝all is simple˝, especially in latest time, when cost for MPP rose up, and in time when we must pay for monthly Training War for about 220gold peer month.

What about training war next month?

I, as everyone else, knows that Training War is most needed for every country and I am not saying we dont need one. That is not my point. But my point is, that we are running dangerously low in national funds, and if we vote yes for present MPP renewal with Malaysia, we will have only 115golds in state accounts. What we will do next month? I guess no one knows and doesn't care... Especially if we keep selling national gold for CZK...

I wonder, really, what will happen when there will be no money in CZ bank.
State money is being treated as un-expendable, but its quite expendable, especially after couple of months having Training war and investing into unnecessary licenses and selling our gold for CZK (which we have in thousands) rather than lowering value of CZK.

Despite all this, we can find very interesting and hope-switching signs in our new politic and social processes. We got couple of very motivated and hard-working citizens in government, who have visions, plans about necessary things to be run in CZ. Ministry of Communication managed by John White gave us some quite interesting informations and offered us all help around better communication between CZ and English-speaking players.
Also, we are all awaiting actions from ˝Ministry of New Citizens˝, which apparently need cooperation from national-owned companies and cooperation with some other companies on our market. I really hope we will take care of everything and make some pioneer work on that field.


At the end, my opinion is that new government ˝freed˝ our society from bondage's of intolerance towards other peoples opinions and ideas, conflicts on RL ground, which created quite tense situation in our society, that was quite closed for cooperation between itself. New government brought some new people, who have clear intentions, have great plans and are very determined for their work, but, sadly, other part of government that came in position is not much active, is not opened for discussions about certain issues, is pushing their plans without examining them, changing state org passwords without letting others notice about it, dealing with state money and state property on their way, destroying previous generations hard work and planned projects.

One week passed, and I have expression that country is for one level poorer than it was one week before, both material and immaterial 🙁

That´s it, people. I´m sorry about such long article.
At least, I hope you have something to think about 😉

RedBaxter, just another open-minded citizen of CZR