[INFO] Milestones [736]

Day 736, 16:56 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan_L
[Medals] [New Ranks] [New Levels] [Big Fighters] [Happy Birthday] [Next Day] [GOLD] [Military]

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DAY :736

Junior First Medal:
darkrayvan(ST), myfatherG(ST), procopel(ST), Andreica Bogdan(ST), 82gabriel(ST), Artemis84(ST), Lady Manuela(ST), Ucuitoru(ST), Mutzu16(HW), Tamas Vlad(HW), andrei030(HW), AnnaLee(HW), Mr. James Lucien(HW),

Second Medal:
betax52, Cetatean Onest, MushyMO, Fr3nKY_bz, Tarabostas, garib1973, nikol_nikol, bomboane, OctombrieTrist, Sonja Vidic, tu26dor, lord75, Iulian.robert, QSilver, John Barbosu, adrian11, Alexandru Bitea,


SuperSoldier medal
BogdanH(3 medals), Dyck(3 medals), betax52(2 medals), mircione_ro(2 medals), mercenarul(2 medals), guld44n(2 medals), tm1980ro(2 medals), matzamica(2 medals), Zam0lxe(2 medals), asan25(2 medals), kris2(2 medals), nolf(4 medals), hohohobn(4 medals), jamesbind020280(2 medals),

Hardworker medal
turcasp(11 medals), DanSoft(12 medals), SupaFly(10 medals), Shadowman Fza(10 medals), ashbird(10 medals),

New Ranks/Promotions:
Field Marshal(3): Ellimist, fihishh, lda573,

General(7): TerminatorAlpha, Mihoci, razvan11000, Lord Sly, StefanTB, Hlavasca, PeLLy,

Colonel(9): killpacient, vanderovi, las maquinas de la muerte, curs3d, andyxkid, Acmeone, Valiza, Misha MeaningM, Childofdunes,

Who's got a new level?
Level21(4): razvantc, Spiridusu, Kristache, acadele,

Level20(11): Gaius Flaminius, Felix Strimbopoulou, Matias Demis, Spirachisa, faust24, Magu, IonutM, Minimax, zamsz, ukkuz, Gathering,

Level19(13): Violeta31, cyty, tudyboss, Madhead, Dawit, CristiV, SOR TZY, Vasile Ionescu, Nemros, Valixor, Cazador Leonardo, JORSSEN, nolf,

Level18(15): Sm3k, Weednesday, Number_er, Mihai II, TribaliaSPQR, HONEST EAGLE, isimi, Drago Alsop, 9Stars, cincin, Duckzy, Lipan19, srdjan2oo2, mario&luigi, jamesbind020280,

Level17(17): Citizen-Cavaler, Alexandru Magiaru, Cretu, valiyyy, R0b3rt0100, eric_ady, cristi91, AceManBZ, mioriTZa, necula13, Tupac-Ultimate, Marius Scarlat, WeBStaR1, claudiu.is, Storm7, FastSilver, Paul Muad'Dib Atreides,

Who are the great fighters and the big spenders of the day?

buru(11 fights, 3108 dmg),


Who's celebrating their birthday today?

http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2008/11/26/1233ee627d18ee3f1410465d666a06d5_55x55.jpg">MITAHGH(1), http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2008/11/26/879902e3d330c04510d7b62c2d42e977_55x55.jpg">Miakoda89(1), http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2008/11/26/f59e8fb0d9b317a4a9b2dd088e0873f3_55x55.jpg">Priest(1),
http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2008/11/26/5aee11fb733b89a616c98b879fa015e7_55x55.jpg">Pterovici(1), http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2008/11/26/9007c96b21b023e224df419c56db50bd_55x55.jpg">zuporter(1), http://static.erepublik.com/uploads/avatars/Citizens/2008/11/26/d2b71fd414896545e25937ae1053adf9_55x55.jpg">Kelly_h(1),

Happy birthday! La Multi Ani!

Who's getting new rank/promotion?
Field Marshal(6): corbu, Lapi, Leonn, Clausssen, Adestre, Sixth,

General(23): Arctica, bluehunt, alexcatalin05, Mikix, APATAC, Daroon Ne Palfis, aws894, v0rtex, dt_nt_99, Felix Strimbopoulou, TheDarkPoet, Joisan, Gionut, SaDuS, Vlad III Dracul, clauyce77, AlRoexy, madicemickael, IonutM, Cavaan, Agnires, HCivic, MajidDiab,

Who will get a new level?
L21(6): gheu_m, tzomby, bogd1, doro, gorgemiro, MasterDanny,

L20(15): Negru Voda, Oldupai, msdos85, Bobbyluigi, Ovi1offewest, marcozea, dumARO, Leviu, bolarulzzz, Simona Maierean, SNUFFF, danny_hill, Beefsupreme, Mugurel_, minutza,

GOLD from medals and new levels(6, 16, 17,...)
Romania: 825 GOLD
Other: 170 GOLD

Levels(92), HardWorker(76), SuperTrooper(31),
199 medals


Damage: 412439
Fighters: 1592
Avg dmg/fight: 55.39
Damage: 204461
Fighters: 590
Avg dmg/fight: 73.60
Damage: 616900
Fighters: 2182
Avg dmg/fight: 60.34

Colonel: 500, 132887 dmg
General: 490, 232521 dmg
FieldMarshal: 240, 149654 dmg

FAR (57.89😵: 56177 dmg, 99 fighters, 108.03 d/f
SoimiiPatriei (46.48😵: 37404 dmg, 66 fighters, 109.05 d/f
VM (54.23😵: 37122 dmg, 77 fighters, 100.33 d/f
Dracones (68.04😵: 25340 dmg, 66 fighters, 80.44 d/f
Pretorians (39.29😵: 21797 dmg, 44 fighters, 97.31 d/f
GN (27.02😵: 16103 dmg, 87 fighters, 40.97 d/f
AIR (55.56😵: 13346 dmg, 25 fighters, 102.66 d/f
BF-2009 (52.00😵: 8890 dmg, 39 fighters, 48.85 d/f
VN (59.62😵: 8831 dmg, 31 fighters, 57.34 d/f
RTF (45.45😵: 3805 dmg, 10 fighters, 92.80 d/f
TOTAL Army Units (45.00😵: 228815 dmg, 544 fighters, 85.63 d/f

TOP Medals

1. 40 medals: OchiReci,
2. 32 medals: Grinch85,
3. 30 medals: Adiemus, Bogdan Adamutz,
4. 29 medals: malika ela,
5. 28 medals: Hitman,
6. 27 medals: zappa, decisiv,
7. 26 medals: butnaru, Bogdanovicih, Andrew McWilliams,
8. 25 medals: nemeiah, Shadowman Fza, MosCraciun1923,
9. 24 medals: Firilacroco, Kaos AD, Stfn, valyfl, maruseav,
10. 23 medals: alex201, ashbird, TheImmortalOne,
11. 22 medals: Green Sidhe, Dumoras, Roscatul, Alex Craciun, titillica, PowerSweden, Blaster2008, Piratul, Groovey,

Romania Ranks Report
Private: 3604, avg Strength: 2.18
Corporal: 570, avg Strength: 4.87
Sergeant: 518, avg Strength: 5.48
Lieutenant: 1356, avg Strength: 6.52
Captain: 1012, avg Strength: 8.05
Colonel: 1395, avg Strength: 10.35
General: 1046, avg Strength: 13.43
Field Marshal: 438, avg Strength: 18.24

Romania Economical and Social Report
Total citizens: 9035(Worl😛 238344)
New citizens: 127(Worl😛 3697)
GDP: 2325.40
Exports: 87.72
Imports: 43.43
Inflation: 21.86
GOL😨 0
RON: 28931

2Clickers: 2680

Work+Train=0: 4816 (no activity)
Work+Train=1: 194
Work+Train=2: 80
Work+Train=3: 1842
Work+Train=4: (avatar or vote)2785


Congratulations! Felicitari!

DB citizens: 9939, scanned citizens TY(only T): 9932 (7)
(recorded on Day:736, 15:26:54 eRep time)