[IndieKid] Congressional Manifesto

Day 640, 09:50 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Hi there.

My name is IndieKid and I’m running for congress in Y&H. It will not be the first time I’ve been in congress representing our region, I have represented you 3 times before, and have been incredibly active on the eUK forums since I started (I have the highest post count with over 10k posts in 7 months) and have constantly stuck up for the interests of people in the region, first founding and donating lots of gold to York City Council (Currently being reactivated, if you want to be involved sign up to the forums) and more recently pushing for a Q5 hospital for Y&H. The great powers to be in the war council changed their mind, a decision I fought against, but that decision is now defunct as we lost the region it was going to be placed in 😃

Experience (If you don’t want to read this, then skip to my policies below, but it makes an interesting read!)
Firstly I’d just like to share a few of my experiences on eRepublik with you, so you can get an understanding of why I would be good for the job. I started at the end of November last year, and first fought in Operation French Toast, doing 5 damage each time to get enough EP to run for congress. We lost, but it was amazing fun. I stood for congress on Christmas day, and won by a landslide, with over 50% of the votes at 12 votes, not bad for my first month.
Since then I have been in congress 5 times, 3 times representing you in Yorkshire and Humberside, once in India before it was politically taken over and destroyed by Indonesia and once in the Philippines, where I travelled with BBB,DT32, HazzN and all the rest of them back in March.
I have served in all branches of the Armed Forces, including the Paras when the joining limit was 70 damage, and I remember fighting tooth and nail with the enemy when we were stationed in Romania, which is a time not many people remember, as now we are actually members of PEACE and Romania is our enemy (More on that later)
I have served in many government positions, I was Minister of Health in SaraDroz’s term as PM, and that was what lead to me getting the position of Gifting Director, which means I (Once I get control of the organisation, I have only recently been appointed) give out gifts to boost wellness of citizens so they can fight and reclaim wellness using the network of hospitals spread about our region.

If elected I would promote:
Activity- I am an incredibly active person (my high post count of the forums can attest to that) and I would not fail to get actively involved in the discussion and the voting that takes place. This means I would be able to fully represent you in parliament to the best of my ability. Our regional forums were once the most active in the whole of the UK, and they are starting to pick up with newer members joining (The join up link is here) and we are planning to reform the old York City Council, which would provide information, competitions and wellness to newer players. I have volunteered for the mass Private Messaging scheme, to get more of our citizens more involved in eRepublik.

PEACE- There is a lot of negative propaganda by the enemy side in the media currently, about how we are PEACE puppets, weaklings etc. This is simply not true. We chose PEACE because they allowed us to have wars, regions, allies and bundles of fun. I would suggest you read our current PM Hassan’s newspaper to get the true picture, and sign up to our national forums. I must confess I had no love for PEACE, after I spent months fighting against them and because I was directly affected by the Indonesian PTO of India, but when they helped liberate our allies Germany I started to change my mind. Add that to constant American trolling about our war games and them treating us like dirt and taking us for granted, it was an easy choice to make, and I stand by it.

Wellfare State- I am a believer of the state looking out for new players and stopping them being exploited by rich businessmen. To this extend I support limited government intervention to provide jobs for younger players, and support schemes such as the food initiative scheme run by Iain Keers, which provides cheap Q2 food for younger players so that it is more affordable, leaving new players with more money. I am a member of the left wing think tank Compass, which strives to build a UK that benefits the poorest citizens.

Overall, I think that I have a vast amount of experience, an amazing track record in working for the betterment of the region and striving to help younger citizens. I believe putting people before the interests of big corporations and as an incredibly active member of the community I will represent you in congress to the best of my ability and am always approachable if you need any help. I am open to suggestions and ideas from all parties, as a member of the RFA I believe that a good idea is a good idea, no matter which end of the political spectrum it is from.
Thank you for reading,
I hope I have your vote in the local elections.

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PS. Ignore the trolls at the bottom of this article, I am not a Nazi.