[INA] An Ideal Congress

Day 1,250, 13:48 Published in India India by Indian Media and Culture

Dear Readers,
Here is Shaz with an interesting article explaining the role of Congress.

The increase in number of rogue proposals in the congress this term tempted me to write this article. If you are a candidate of tomorrow's congress elections, please read it carefully and avoid trouble times for the nation.

Congress is equivalent to Lok Sabha in RL. The prestigious authority to represent the people and help in proper governance. If you manage to win the election, then you have certain responsibilites on your shoulder.

* Immediately after winning election don't be tempted with the access to new powers. Hold youselves.

* The reward you get is 5g. As a custom every congressman donates his reward gold to the nation's treasury. Your Party President will guide you as to where to donate your gold. FYI, this is not mandatory, but a goodwill sign to the country for selfless service you'll be offering in the office! Think about the amount of gold that will be stockpiled in the treasury for the better future. It will be helpful at crisis times.

* You'll be given access to PARLIAMENT SECTION or LOK SABHA sub-section in the forum within a day or two. For this you have to have the account in forum. If you have none, go create yourselves one.

* CP will formally open a thread for nominations of the Head of Congress(HoC), equivalent to Lok Sabha Speaker in RL.

* Nominate yourselves or anyone you feel are capable and worthy. 24 hr election period will be there and the Speaker is chosen. He has the authority to check the functions of Lok Sabha in the forum and in game.

* Follow Speaker (HoC) orders clearly.

* Do not propose any laws in game directly.

* If you want to propose any law, start a thread in Lok Sabha section of forum and there will be a debate within Lok Sabha members for a period of 24 hrs. If accepted there, then HoC will ask you to propose that law in game.

* Remember, there is a limit of proposals each elected congressman has in game. Use them wisely and do not waste them.

* For complete list of powers and rules of congress, check here --> http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/iu-congressmen-march-april-2011-rules-to-be-followed-1725240/1/20 (this is for everyone)

* Not following the rules and wasting the proposals may lead to a BAN from access to congress section and from contesting elections next time. The punishment depends on the mistake committed and will be executed by HoC and PPs

Finally, I plead every congressman to be active on forums and IRC, follow guidelines and rules, behave like a gentleman and gain respect from the people.


shah007zaad (Shaz)

Edited By,
Anant Singhal
Indian News Agency