[I&W] How many this time???

Day 680, 12:22 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

As most of you know we just had the congress election and this means that a new government needs to be assembled. The Belgium Party (BP) “won” the election by gaining the highest amount of seats and as result the Party President of BP, Murena was assigned the role as formateur (5 days ago). During the time that Murena is searching for a new coalition and assembles a new government the old government normally remains in place.

In practice this doesn’t seem to be happening as several ministers that have important tasks to do aren’t doing anything at all. Vanouze (BP), who was made Minister of Raws only a few days ago has disappeared and hasn’t done anything in several days. This is shocking as the Minister of Raws plays a vital role for our private businesses and therefore our economy. Especially since companies are lowering the prices on anything and margins are this small. It reminds me of Crow299 (BP) who was in charge of that department before him and he too was never heard from again. The only reason why this department has functioned only a bit is because of the extra ordinary efforts of Deviltje (I&W) who has taken over yet again (third time for this department).

So are these the only ministers that have failed miserably? No, just like Crow299 (BP), Rikoom (BP) started fresh and excited as Minister of Recruitment & Coaching and also disappeared to be never heard of again. So he was also replaced by another BP member this time it was Baab. Now to be honest I have never heard or seen Baab do anything as Minister of Recruitment & Coaching, he never wrote a piece for weekly news or never contacted the coaches (I am one of them so I would know). So I ask you, did you see Baab (BP) do anything?

And there is a third department where things went horribly wrong, and this is a key department!!! Perro Gaupo (LSD) started very well but resigned after awhile. LSD didn’t have a person of their own that wanted the job so they approached Pander Sol (Independent). He never really got started because he had health problems in RL (I hope you are doing better Pander!!!) so he became inactive but NO replacement was assigned. The result of this neglecting has been the current Money Market crisis and this has only been addressed by the efforts of Deviltje, Cocoamok and myself. It was us that started the procedures and got the job started (something the minister should have done ages ago). However, we have done what we could we transferred the gold to NLG and deposited it on the org of Ministerie of Economische Zak but we don’t have access or authority to the org and cannot therefore do the last view things required.

Now the first response that LSD and BP are going to give is, how about CEO Trainee (I&W) who was Minister of Home Affairs??? Well, CEO Trainee did most of his job but was unable to finish it all because of RL issues. What did he do? He contacted Deviltje (I&W)and asked him to finish the job, which he did. This wasn’t what he preferred but at least he took action to solve the problem himself and he made sure that the job was done in the end.

So as the new government gets assembled, without I&W this time (I know just terrible🙂, I wonder how many ministers will become inactive this time. I hope that for the sake of this country and us all in it, that none will.

Mitch Rapp
PP of Iron & Wine – The Active and Experienced Party.