[I&W] Explanation

Day 733, 11:11 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart
Why did Iron & Wine do this? That is a question I get very often from even my own members.
This article is written to make our motives crystal clear.

We are accused of doing this to increase our power in the UNL. To answer this let me ask you a question: Does this sound like something a party and its members would do that lost 3 seats in congress this month (other parties none or even gained some!!!) because they made extraordinary efforts to win the Congress Election in Belgium? No, it doesn’t. But why then did we do it? There isn’t just one motive but there are several.

Personally the main reason for this decision is the complete lack of action by the government to arrange for the Belgium Congressional Election. DanielB1989 was in charge the last times but he wasn’t approached to do it again by anyone in the Government. Nobody did, they just presumed that he would do it again. When I noticed nothing was happening I was the one who approached DanielB1989 and asked him to get things in organized.

However then the government decided to use DanielB1989 for a different position mainly to work on the new alliance with ThomasRed and Olv007. No replacement was appointed by the government. So in Wednesdays meeting with the PP’s of the other parties I announced that I&W wouldn’t be doing strategic voting in the UNL because we wanted to focus on Belgium yet again. The other parties weren’t that forthcoming.

How about the communication with our representatives in Belgium. The people that sacrifice any chance of fighting in wars or working a decent job? Surely the government didn’t forget those. Well somehow they did forget. Their actions and more importantly lack there off caused these people, like Luuklag and Deviltje, from being willing to sacrifice so much to not being willing to do anything at all. Surely with good reason such a thing happen because people don’t make a 180 like that.

So did the government do nothing at all? Well they did plenty of talking. They knew very well what had to be done to win in Belgium. Mainly contact all the new Belgian players and convince them of our cause. The only thing that was done by a government member is what Cocoamok did on her own iniative. Nothing was organized. We were more than 25 voters behind EDEN and we were losing voters instead of gaining. A lot of Hungarians were upset about UNL forces fighting against Hungary in Austria so they handed in their Belgian citizenship. Without an organized campaign to get new Belgian voters in Belgium we were going to lose the election.

So i and many other people involved with Belgium concluded that the only way we can ever win in Belgium is if we have a government that takes action, not just talk about it. We can only conclude that the current people in charge are unable to do just that and that is why Iron & Wine has decided to get our people back from the UNL and with them hope to force ourselves into a government. We can no longer depend on promises from LSD and BP to form a unity government because too often they ignore GLD and us.

The only result acceptable for me and many in I&W is that we get in a government and that we, including the other coalition parties, make a government that takes actions instead of talks. We can then finally organize the Belgian people in Belgium and liberate them from EDEN rule together. Have our union united once again.

That is why we did it and that is why I ask you to vote for us in the upcoming election.