[HU]We do mean what we say

Day 1,035, 02:33 Published in Hungary China by mihail.cazacu

Dear Western Romanians,

Yes, we've attacked you again in NGP and captured your hospitals.

I've told you in my previous article we loved Borembukkk's idea so much that we've immediately upgraded it to the following counter-offer:

1. We wipe you out. Peace between Romania and Western Romania is automatically concluded thanks to the game mechanics;

2. We both get the Training Wars we've always dreamed of: you by attempting RWs and us by quelling your rebellions.

We know your manhood lies mainly in the mustaches and boot knives and you're severely lacking in the balls department.

We on the other hand don't fancy much the facial hair.

We don't use knives to cut the mamaliga (a traditional Romanian staple food made of maize flour).

We also prefer the Dacian sandals (opinci) to the boots because the Dacian sandals can be hanged more easily on top of your official buildings each time our army visits Budapest.

And we have really big balls of steel.

So you see, we truly complement each other. For once in the history of eWorld let's put aside our differences and cooperate!

We'll take care of the Attack button. Your balls-deprived president can do what your land-swap-trained presidents know to do best anyway: press the Retreat button.

Consider this as the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


1. For hugs and kisses you can find me on tile 14,12. Don't come empty handed. The rocket launchers cost only 1.49g and I adore warm welcomes.

2. Don't forget to call the usual 1500 Serbs to the rescue.