[HU]Good idea! Now let's make it a great idea!

Day 1,033, 01:54 Published in Hungary China by mihail.cazacu

Western Romania's elite Magyar Garda unit bored with V2

The Western Romanian player Borembukkk has just published an interesting article.

As a general rule the we Romanians are fully aware our Western Romanian brothers live in a world of fantasy where they hope to compensate for the Real Life "historical injustices" which allegedly hit their country at the beginning of the 20th century.

And since eRepublik is a bitch like just Real Life was, they can't find anybody able to land-swap them into Transylvania like they were land-swapped into North America, Heilongjiang, Rhone-Alps or Podolia.

So they've come up with the creative solution outlined in that article and which I'll briefly summarize for my English-speaking readers:

1. Romania hands them over Transylvania in exchange for a peace treaty;

2. Once the 15 MPPs against Romania are closed by the peace treaty, Romania and Western Romania engage in 1-on-1 "Training Wars" over the control of Transylvania.

It takes a special kind of human being to get an intellectual orgasm from gloriously annexing Burgenland after bravely defeating the eRepublik Great Power Austria (oh, and you guys had to PTO Austria for that).

This type of human being would be even more motivated to play the game if the May-June 2010 plans of establishing Western Romania and Northern Croatia would have been fully implemented.

So here is our counter-offer to Borembukkk's brilliant idea:

1. Romania annexes Western Romania, Burgenland included. The peace treaty is automatically concluded once we wipe out Western Romania.

2. We have 1-on-1 RWs with Western Romania trying to break away from Romania, American Civil War style. I can find countless of similarities between the KKK and Magyar Garda, starting from the appetite for wearing ridiculous uniforms ("You are ugly and your mummy dresses you funny"), therefore the comparison with the American Civil War is by no means far fetched.

Oh, and by the way, while Borembukkk is just a private person, my offer is official since I am the Romanian Ambassador to Western Romania.

The ball is now in your government's court.