[HN] The Titanium Debate: A Neutral Opinion [USA]

Day 968, 11:32 Published in USA USA by Sir Hypnotoad

Now, as some of you might know...oh who am I kidding; as none of you most likely know, I am the Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs. When I'm not fighting off Serbian PTOers, running my companies, organizing ambassadors, helping the Malaysian Army get off the ground, preparing my August run for President etc; I look in foreign media for anything interesting.

The latest thing to catch my eye is the Titanium Debate; mostly (it would appear) between Canada and America.


Much like a bad episode of a 1950's American television show; the Joneses now have titanium, and everyone wants it. For those of you who are old enough to remember, in V1 the Joneses had iron. Boy oh boy, did everyone want iron.

The situation exactly

Now, Canada has been blessed with an EDEN Titanium monopoly, and have two regions. Naturally, this opens up the possibility of renting a region to a neighbor; most likely America, if it were to happen. America has certainly been vocal on their want of Canada to rent the region.

Now, why might America want to rent a region?

With the eventual withdraw of American forces from Karnataka, there will be many companies for sale. Many American businesses will most likely abandon their iron mines in search of more profitable industries. There will be many harvesters, who won't be satisfied working in grain/oil/stone; and will seek the higher wages of titanium and iron. Last, but not least, there are obvious riches to be obtained from taxes.

Now, why might Canada want to keep the regions?

It is fairly obvious to me, but I'll point it out for those who don't see it. Harvesters will flock to the high wages Canada will be able to offer. this will, in turn, lead to increased food sales, which will lead to increased grain sales, etc. Canada will become rich on their titanium monopoly.

Now, if they rent a region; they lose a lot of that. They will have an EDEN competitor. A broken monopoly.

For those who remember, in between the crumbling of the Romanian Empire and the liberation of Central Greece, Spain was the leading (and only) iron center for what is now EDEN/Brolliance. They made a fortune on it. Workers flocked to Spain. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry wanted to own an iron company there, and most did at some point.

Canada deserves that high level of international recognition. In my mind, Canada has always been one of those nations that is just on the verge of becoming a world power. They have been there for quite some time. They just need a push. Canada, this is your push.

People who are for renting say it will strengthen the alliance. Frankly, I don't see how it could be any different. There are still two regions that are capable of producing massive amounts of titanium. through Canada keeping the region, it spares nations having to come up with the rent, resistance war threats, etc.

In case you couldn't tell, I believe Canada should retain both of their regions.

Final message: Canad and America have a great relationship. It was sickening watching both medias talk about Canada plowing into Delaware and later pulling out. It really was. You two nations have had one of the longest friendships in the game; a bond usually shared by nations who have willingly merged. Don't let this ruin your relationship.

Ok, I lied. This is the final message. Canada, if it doesn't work out with America...Poland is just one region away from the border.