[HN]Gates of Hell Have Opened

Day 713, 13:16 Published in Malaysia USA by Sir Hypnotoad

Well, if one looks in the eRepublik forums, or even the latest events, it is fairly obvious, all hell has broken loose.

So, how do we survive act 2 of WW3? Neurality. It helped us survive act 1, and I believe it will take us through act 2.
There is a thread in the eMalaysian forums, about taking a side. This would be an extremely dangerous action.
As ehistory will show us, several alliances have existed, and many countries have either been in them, or worked to destroy them. But the one constant in this world of chaos is that those who take a side will pay for it eventually. Not to say that there will not be benifits, however the benifits and the price are about equal.
For an example, during the ATLANTIS v PEACE wars (exciting times), ATLANTIS nations seemed to be ahead of PEACE. They were reaping the benifits of stability, and strong economies. then, PEACE threw a reversal at them, and now many former ATLANTIS nations lay devistated by their own hand. Look at eSpain, they were under total French occupation. Look at eamerica, they were down to Florida. Look at eCanada, they were under total occupation.

Instead of this hectic cycle of chaos, I believe in a middle road. A road of neutrality, and continued prosperity. A road that may, at some points be defended by the point of a sword, or the tip of a pen. eMalaysia must remain neutral through eRepublik. This would make us seem like a beacon of light in this dark, dark world.

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Thank you for your time,
nicholas2000, Minister of Immigration, Congressman

P.S. I might be running for country President, through the DAP! Voice you opinion of who our candidate should be here.