└►Helpfull Tools for eRepublik v2

Day 1,013, 14:12 Published in South Korea South Korea by NoMoreHugs
I was reading articles in other country .. and I see this one ... and I want to share it with you. I ask bernard75 to permission to paraphrase him article with my own words and pics... Let`s see what I will make 😉
Not Update for v2
Ereptools - for v1 this site was perfect. It has everything but v2 migration make difficult for owner of this site. For the moment it is offline, I hope soon to be online with all statistics 😉
Zhunder - It was wonderful site for battle statistic in v1 🙁
eRepublik Plus - script for v1 that help us with adding buttons, links and etc. but nobody want to make it to work in v2 🙁
eGobba - This is flash based map with interesting and good statistic for every region, but it`s not convert to new things in v2. But in some situations it can be useful for v2 too.
Working with v2
eAnalytics - with this you can see salaries aroud the eWorld, statistics for every eCountry, currency exchange market, fight and productivity calculator, and only one tracker for elections in game...

MaxiHellas - This site can provide all kind of information about battles in eRepublik ...You can search for your citizen, watch damage by battle, by country and all sorts of stuff like best v2 fighters and battle heroes.

CCCP Erepublik Tools Portal - one of few site that are working after migration to v2. It`s have some calculators, tools for market, companies, raw materials and etc...

eCompany Manager - This script is like Erep Plus, but for v2. 'It is called Company Manager because scripts primary purpose is to help with managing eRep companies but it not ends there. This script improves eRepublik all around by adding missing links, buttons, etc. or by removing things users don't like. It is fully customizable and it is modular so every user can turn on/off parts of the script. It is constantly evolving and soon it will become the only script you need.'

eRepData - Really nice statistic for every country.. like % of every economy and military skills, top citizens and...

ErepCompany - with this site you can see where are the cheapest products(food,tickets,houses and weapons).

eRepublik Market Tools - with this tool you can always to buy best food on market with less money.. best ratio health/money.

Borka's eRepublik Tools - site with live market search... you can see best price for some product in real time

eRepublik Calc - 'eIndian site with the national database and the only online company calculator to date.
At the moment it works for raw material companies only, but an extended version is being worked on.'

Company calculator - 'Excellent offline company calculator with fully integrated API support. You need NET. Framwork to run this one.'

Erep.temnyj - top product offers...

TicketQ - you want to travel from point x to point y but you don`t know what ticket to use... this tool will help you.

It`s good that it has people that help us.. make this game easily and thanks for this help 😉