[HELP] Military guide

Day 1,275, 09:46 Published in Norway Norway by Eretic

Good day, dear readers!

If you see any mistakes or unspecified items - write, I'll be happy to correct text! 😉

1.Prepare for battle.

Before you take part in the battle, you have to prepare well for it. Firstly, it is recommend that before joining the battle to work and train, instead of tempt fate. Second, keep in mind that the more you have health and food for recovery, the more you will be able to fight, if your health fall less than 20, you won’t be able to hit. Thirdly, to increase your damage per hit, you can buy a weapon. Weapons Q1 (automatic gun) gives an increase 20% to your damage (influence on the wall), Q2 (machine gun) gives 40%, Q3 (gun mount) gives 60%, Q4 (helicopter), yields 80%, and Q5 (tank) gives 100 % for each stroke, compared with "bare hands". The most profitable, as you know - tank. So if you want buy some weapon go to market. (Market -> Marketplace).

Weapons select according to your financial capabilities and ambitions. Below are the options common to all types of weapons:
1) Fire Power (damage): the higher this parameter, the more damage you influence upon strike;
2) Durability (life expectancy, durability): determines how many times can you use this weapon. For a blow to the enemy, you lose 1 point of durability.

2. General information about the battles.

There are two types of battles - the usual battles and resistance wars. Resistance wars can be raised in any native to the region if it is under occupation of another country.

If you are entering into the usual battle between the two countries, you will fight for the country in which you locate or if you in ally of your country. If you want to participate in the uprising (Resistance War, or RW), there is able to choose whom to fight - for the rebels or invaders. Also, remember that participate in the RW can only be from a country that occupied region.

The battle is divided into rounds (each no more than 2-hours) and lasts up to 8 wins one of the sides. Such a way, the minimum time for the battle - 8 rounds, maximum - 15 rounds. As an example, you can see the following screenshot (Estonia won Russia 4:0):

In each round, there is percentage relation between 2 opponents. Depending on this relation, at any moment between the warring parties are distributed points of domination. They are added to the collection of the country which has retained percentages in their favor as follows:
- during the first half hour, each minute 10 point advantage (total 300 points);
- during the second half every minute 20 point advantage (600);
- during the third hour, each minute 30 point advantage (900);
- during the last half-hour every minute 60 point advantage(1800).

The winner is the country with the highest number of points of domination.

Obviously, the total for the round (2 hours) you can gain 3600 points. From this it follows that to win enough to dial 1810 points. In this case, even if the enemy all the time remaining will hold an advantage for himself, he will have only 1790 points. Therefore, after achieving over 1800 points in the round by one of the sides - in 5 minutes later will open a new roun😛

3.Hospitals and defensive systems.

On the battlefield in some rounds may attend hospitals and Defence (Defence System, or protective system). Let's start with the hospital. Putt it can both attackers and defenders. Like the weapons, the hospital has several options:
1) Health - amount of health that can cure the hospital for one use;
2) Durability - number of uses of the hospital.

If the current round in the battle set to the hospital, the medical treatment is possible with the help of a button (it is located on-site treatment of food button):

There are
1) Defense Budget - increase defending side a certain amount of damage in the early rounds;
2) Durability - number of uses.

4.Tide of battle.

In battle, opponents that you have to fight exposes randomly. Although, I need to say that against you spotted a copy of the real players, not himself. Thus, you will not cause harm to a specific enemy, but helping your side to change the percentages in yours favor. For every hit on an opponent you lose 10 units of health, your opponent loses the amount of health, which depends on your power and weapons, which was used during the impact, as well as enemy forces and weapons.

When destroying enemy (aspiring enemy will not bring any good!) you put a certain amount of influence (damage) and get some points for the title (it is equal influence/10) and experience:

In the course of the battle your health will quickly diminish. Increase can be either through the hospital (if the hospital is set in the current round, which is an infrequent event), or eating, or using kits (wellness packs). In order to use them, simply click the appropriate button:

In this case you have to do so: first, to be treated by the hospital, if it is installed, then treated with the meal ( per day you can restore up to 300 units of health). And only then, if the battle is crucial, first-aid kits are used. Each kit is worth 0.5 gold. But remember - wash away gold at these kits for beginners completely unnecessary and unprofitable! Wellness packs - is pumped for older players.

Another way to improve health - get a new title. When you receive a new title you get a so-called "battery" - a first aid kit, which once may restore your health to 100 units. For maximum productivity batteries try to use it in a time when health is above 20 units. Also battery restore your health without reduce health limit per day.

5.Statistics and Help.

In the battle screen, there are a couple of quite useful and interesting things - the battle statistics and Help. In order to view them, simply click the appropriate button in the right corner of the screen:

So, statistics. Available only to level 15. It represents the TOP-5 fighters of the side for which you are involved in the battle.

Besides statistics of the round, and there are similar statistics throughout the battle.

Help screen is still easier. It's just a picture with battle screen and some explanation. You can see it - http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/4871/fightt.jpg.


Participating in battles - not bad way to flow up experience and the only way to level title. Clearly, that in terms of tactical sense from you - small: Damage beginner can’t compare to damage of experienced player, but after all, experienced players, were once newbies, too, right? If you are a beginner, your task - to bleed and cause maximum damage to the enemy. Therefore, when joining the battle, proceed wisely and cautiously. If you have a house, practicing on house wellness (health which restores house), if haven’t house, then calculate how much food you can restore with your finances. First think, then do!

Good game, bro! 😉

I'm run for congress in Nord Norge region, Suum cuique party! I'll be glad to receive your votes...Eretic... Next guides will be soon!