[Guide] What to do under invasion ~ please vote

Day 810, 04:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
Here are a few short steps on how to help our country. If everyone values their UK citizenship make sure you help your country while we still have one!


Vote (top left of the article) and subscribe (top right of the article) to these official papers

MoD Newspaper.
Royal Navy Newspaper.
Prime Ministers Newspaper.
MoHA Newspaper.
The National Newspaper.


Please shout this:

Move to Fortress London - EDEN is attacking! Pass this shout on 🙂

Moving to London

Yes. Please do this. The wall is currently standing just below 630,000 in London.

If you need a moving ticket try asking your employer to help you out, failing that send a message to the eUK Home Office.

Private Messages (PM's)

(Ingame) Scroll along the tabs at the top to 'info' then scroll down to 'country stats' click this. Then go down the page to where it say 'online now' then across to where it says 'who', click this and send a message to anyone you see how is not living in London. Tell them the whole country is gathering in London to co-ordinate a defence. If they are stuborn tell me (UK's finest) or Karacticus.

Ask your local congressmember (or one in London) what they are doing to help the situation. Here is the list of congressmembers.


Moving tickets/GBP to eUK Home office

Weapons/GBP to Ministry of Defence

If the eUK Home Office has no spaces left for donations please speak to Karacticus, and if the Ministry of Defence is full please speak to polio.

Joining the eUK military

Sign in to the API using erep name and password here: http://navy.nobreakspace.com/index.php

For more information please read the MoD articles (more information above).

Joining a ministry

Joining a ministry does not have to be at the start of the term. I know this as in the MoHA we are always looking for new apprentices. If you want to help out in any way send a message to the ministers and I'm sure they have at least somewhere for you to help.

Senior Policy Advisor: Hassan Pesaran
Ministry of Defence: Polio
Ministry of FA - EDEN/Phoenix: GLaDOS
Ministry of FA - Neutral: Mr Woldy
Ministry of Finance: Bombadierbeetle
Ministry of Economics: Iain Keers
Ministry of Technology/Secretary: Nice Guy Eddie
Ministry of Work: jamesw
Ministry of Home Affairs: Karacticus

Questions & anything else

Please feel free to ask any questions and make suggestions.

UK's finest - MoHA uM

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