[GOV] War in Austria

Day 1,268, 09:25 Published in Austria Austria by BundesPresseDienst

Last month, after long negotiations with mediation from ONE and Hungary, the Central European Friendship Pact was signed between Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Hungary. The agreement, intended to lay the groundwork for regional stability, gave Slovakia permission to peacefully rent Burgenland and Styria for a cost of 10 gold per region a month. It also stated that all parties to the agreement would respect each others sovereignty, not taking any additional regions without permission.

Having been signed, Czechoslovakia occupied Burgenland and made a payment of 10 gold to show the deal was in place. Styria would be occupied as well at a later date, per a mutual agreement, once it could be done at a time that did not complicate other allied operations. It seemed, perhaps, a peace might hold.

This week, we received word that Czechoslovakia was interested in Styria. Our response was that we have no problem renting it out per the agreement in the Central European Friendship Pact. However, Czechoslovakia informed us that there was “no way” they would abide by the agreement. Soon after, a natural enemy proposal was introduced by Czechoslovakia against Austria. It was war again.

Before, and during the battle, negotiations and diplomatic inquiries were made, including by president AliasSun. The government of Hungary, signatory and mediator of the Central European Friendship Pact, made the decision to side with Czechoslovakia in the conflict, against Austria. Poland would become directly involved as well, again openly threatening nations who helped Austria - even opening a resistance war against Slovenia as punishment.

Despite any early optimism about Czechoslovakia’s intent to keep their word, a very different set of events has taken place which has put Czechoslovakia, Poland, and now even Hungary against us.

We must all do our best to deal with these challenges. Whether it is through fighting, through donations, through acting as diplomats, or even just contributing to the community - what we have in Austria is a unique sense of companionship that crosses any internal differences we might have. Whatever challenges lay ahead, we must face them in the only way we ever coul😛 together.

Though we cannot always know where a road will lead us, we can always make the journey itself worthwhile.

AliasSun, Schwrzwolf, Mani LeLe, Vreath, Rangeley, JaFe, Matthew Langley, Albert Neurath, OEBernd, Michal Lodziana1, csaba.pinter, Oraizan, Eldres, Doina Colibasi, Jeanlouis, Erdoni , Austria's Cabinet