Day 710, 02:27 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Wonder Forward
Before the attack happen yesterday, we had been gathering data on companies and GDP of West Australia Region.

We have planned to resume the agreement and talk on WA region that had been on hiatus for almost two months.

We can't enumerate and impart to you, how painful it was to see a good negotiation shattered by third party who claimed that they "liberated eAustralia" for democracy and freedom.

Indeed, we invaded and colonized australia for almost 1.5 years.

The relationship after the war was severe, if not bitter. There was almost no trust, yet there was respect from eIndonesia towards eAustralia that time.

Col. Zaney, who was like terminator during that war, also held distrust to Indonesia for many months. Including the formation of dropbears and disruption of Indonesia's operation abroad.

Yet, after the November 2008 siege, everything changed.
Time, they said, melt even the strongest of heart.

After eIndonesia agreed to release 3 Australian region, we began a nice and steady work towards harmony and understanding.

Many people in eIndonesia, including former president Isnuvardhana, Gagah, Darkyojimbo, and Nicosianipar, had long longed for the return of West Australia. I can't deny that there are also many who don't want to it come to fruition.

But things still took their course. Sometimes rocky, sometimes smooth, but beneath there, we had always believe that the underlying sincerity and sincereness, also loyality and warmth there.

And it was proven with test of time. When we are in deep trouble by ATLANTIS, on the brink of collapse, you are there with us.
There had never been more deafeningly yet unfortunately silent gratefulness from eIndonesian people for all you have done for us.

Times changed again,

In the first anniversary of occupation of Australia, on April then May, a contract was signed by eIndonesian and eAustralia CP Gagah, then Darkyojimbo, who oversaw the return of all three remaining eAustralian territory.

The two regions were returned, yet one. Western Australia.
Many conflicts ensued on whether eIndonesia keep their word or not, and the explosion happened under Wizzie don's era, when the congress simply forsook the contract.

They refused to fulfill the contract, even ready to throw the 500 gold to eAustralia.
I was one of the congressman at that time, and I also voted for no release.
I was then appointed to aid the president wizzie_don for negotiation with rangerbob (nice fellow), and I even made a series of article on Zaney.

Our proposal, which we both think is win-win, crashed again on the adamant congress. Seeing the congress became unruly, uncooperative, the president decided to freeze the congress, declared martial laws. Everything became bogged down on after that with Wizzie can't get complete power to do the negotiations...

The contract died down there. Ranger said we don't need to pay 500 gold, since eAustralia also can't fulfill the condition to buy back all companies in fixed time. There was also problems with company list. I am frank enough to say that unwillingness to cooperate from congress sometimes are major problems. But who am I to say that?

The next president is 8uj3l. He had no interest at all on resuming WA talk. We all focused on thinking about ourselves. With war against USA and such.

Then, Bong came to presidency. Bong had always wanted to pursue WA. He's wise, farsighted, and we all pinned great hope to him. It was a tragedy, force majeur, when his father died. Maybe that's the point where everything was destined.

We became leaderless for one week, then another week of debacles, of too many heads ruling, then came to the injury time, when I was voted as temporary CP.

I had every eagerness to continue the deal with eAustralia. We first talked with Patti and Srg91, and we agreed that the former contract (the win-win one during Wizzie_don's era) couldn't be pursued. So, we adapted again. We agreed to gather data, and set a meeting on 3rd November.

I had gathered the data, presented it on congress, and they agreed to keep open both options of keeping and release.

Keeping means, WE pay eAustralia leasing fee every month for WA.
And releasing means, the reimbursement of Indo companies in WA.

That's when the EDEN vultures came.

I kept an analogy like I told ranger just now.

It was like you loaned a book for a long time from your friend,
You plan to give it back nicely,
Then along came Vulture E, and Vulture E overpowered you, stole the book, and
then Vulture E gave it back to your friend wrapped in silk, wrappings, cute ribbon,
and said "Hey, I beat 'your friend' and managed to get this back to you'
In the name of democracy and freedom.
And you became speechless, cause you just can't say to your friend (who got the book)
"B-b-but I wish to give it back to you just now... I was on the way... But..."

You can't say a word. Your words would be lie...
You could only swallow the pebbles in your throat,
and walk on.

Hoping common sense and friendship prevail.
We hold no enmity,

even seeing forums filled with swear words and curses directed to us,
we just want you to not be fooled by Vulture E and Co.

My avatar is not vulture, it's crows.
I happened to be in mass graveyards of problems,
But I wish to carry on.

May eGod, or whatever entity there, protect and aid eAustralia and eIndonesia.
May we became friends now, disregarding Vulture E's most heinous act,

In the end,

We deserve the losses.
eAustralia deserved the book.
Vulture E deserved praise for their witty method.

From a fellow Zannite, and an Indonesian,

Wonder Forward