[GOV] The Cabinet Line-up (Updated)

Day 993, 15:46 Published in Thailand Indonesia by Luthfisnet

An Announcement for Thailand Citizens

I, Prime Minister of Thailand, hereby announce the people sitting with me in the Minister Office for this month. These people is a good man of Thailand that we choose it with many consideration. We believe that these people can be entrusted with the responsibility to run the government of Thailand.

Prime Minister of Thailand decide:
1. Masila as Prime Minister Adviser
2. Okanius as Minister of Communication, Information and Education
3. Albert Neurath as Minister of Foreign Affair
4. Thinglol as Minister of Internal Affair
5. Bunairi as Minister of Defense
6. Loouman as Minister of Economy
7. James Rellori as Minister of Trade >> Fired because supporting the impeachment

If someone stated above is not willing to hold the responsibility as minister. He should contact me through PM 48 hours after this article publish. All Minister are free to choose their deputy.

Decided in Central Thailand
Aug 9, 2010

Prime Minister of Thailand