[Gov] Ministry of the Economy and B.A.D. ASS. S.H.I.T.

Day 722, 20:57 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

Dear fellow citizens,

as promised earlier today, I am now going to introduce the new Ministry of the Economy and B.A.D. ASS. S.H.I.T. The basic concept was outlined by Vincent Garibaldi in this article. I am going to summarize this here and add my own ideas.

General Competence

The general competence is the steering of Thailand's economy, consisting of the portfolio of companies, the labor market, and import/export. It does not include the monetary market which remains a competence of the president. Government loans to companies are not yet included, but may be added when our funds rise.

The acronym B.A.D. ASS. S.H.I.T. means Business Advice, Development, and Assistance and Selection of Hiring for Trades. The individual components are described below.

Business Advice

Scope: Publishing price, competition, demand, and taxation information from different countries and derive which industries offer the best profit and which countries are worth exporting to.
Start date: first article is planned for Nov. 15th
Help neede😛 Does anybody know how to publish excel sheets in erepublik articles?


Scope: Steering Thailand's portfolio of companies so that we develop towards the most profitable industries. Of course the government cannot force a company to upgrade or prevent the opening of an unwanted company, but I will maintain a "white list" of approved companies. Controlled variables include the number of companies per type (product, quality) and maximum salaries that may be offered on the job market (to prevent companies from messing up the job market with unreasonably high salaries that will lead into losses). Citizens are encouraged to work only at and purchase from white-listed companies.
Start date: requests for adding companies to the white list are accepted immediately (send me a request), and the first white list is planned for Nov. 19th


Scope: Giving advice to company owners (regarding export, upgrading, job offers, ...) and entrepreneurs (where to start which type of company)
Start date: immediately (send me a request if you like)


Scope: Actively searching for importers if we miss certain goods on our market and cannot create a domestic offer.
Start date: immediately (send me a request if you miss something)

Employment Office

Scope: On a voluntary basis assigning employees to companies' job offers in a way that maximizes the added value, thus giving the best workers the highest salary and the best industries the most productive workers
Start date: after sufficient demand for this service is visible (send me a request if you want to sign up as a worker or as a company)
Help neede😛 I am still looking for a deputy who will as his main responsibility act as the Director of Employment Office.