[GOV] Military orders Day 715/716

Day 715, 10:59 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Marcotje
Please don't forget to install the Daily Orders s.cript.

The battle at Sabah has finished and the Slovakian war games won't start today as they are under an all-out attack by Hungary. Their most important region is Central Slovakia which has a q5 hospital, their current orders are to defend only that region. Those who stay at home can fight in the war between Russia and the USA at Washington. Take it as training or whatever...

Whichever battle you choose, please fight as late as possible and also please don't fight after healing! Keep your wellness high!

Alfagrem is unbanned so the chance for hostile RWs is still very high. If another resistance war starts please ignore any training battle and start fighting in the RW on the green side!

Available from home:
Washington - battle between USA and Russia
After fighting please heal here: Peninsular Malaysia - hospital

For those who'd like to help Slovakia:
Travel to: Central Thailand - hospital
Fight here: Central Slovakia - battle

And the usual info:

If you are relatively new to fighting please read the detailed tutorial article of the Social Office about fighting!

To be able to take part in battles you have to be at level 5 and have 40 wellness points at least and you have to be living in Peninsular Malaysia to be able to to use the Malaysia's only hospital. So if you have lower than 40 wellness or reside in a region other than Peninsular Malaysia and thus need gifts and/or moving tickets then please send a pm to the Social Office.

The most important thing is that you should use fighting also to maximize your wellness.
So if your wellness is between 40 and 60 at the start then fight only once then heal.
If your wellness is between 60 and 70, you can fight twice then heal.
If your wellness is between 70 and 80, you can fight 3 times before healing.
If your wellness is between 80 and 90, you can fight 4 times before healing.
If your wellness is above 90, you can fight 5 times before healing.

Don't fight after healing!

Once again, good luck to all the fighters!

Best regards,