[GOV] Information for Newbies

Day 780, 09:37 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

This article ,as the title states, is to give a little information to the new players in the game. It will be a compilation of links which will guide these new players in the 'baby' stages of their lives.

First off, an ultra compact survival guide. Credits go to the social office. Available in:
English- http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AYjIl5__SVuIZGdudDRjazJfMWR0NXE4Ymdz&hl=en
Malay- http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AUk_5iP93XUMZGd2M2g2dHdfMG1jNmZxc2hj&hl=en

Next, the National forums. This is where discussions take place. Unfortunately, forum activity is still very low. So, we need some new blood to spice things up! That's where you come in! Sign up in the forums and introduce yourself!

Now the Social Office link.

The Social office is an organization in charge of wellness related issues and any problems you might have with the game. If your wellness is below 40, get some help immediately. How? PM the Social Office. Dying? PM the Social office. DO NOT WAIT. It may cost you your elife...

Now the Tentera Darat Malaysia( Malaysian Army) link. TDM is essentially eMalaysia’s National army in charge of protecting it from those who would harm it.

The TDM is the organization you PM to get weapons sometimes. Now, all you need to do is to comment in the articles when they ask you to apply for free weapons.

If you have not signed up for TDM, then go ahead and sign up now. Everyone should be in the army. Defend your country! eMalaysia!

Sign up Here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExRMlRQcFpQcU11UnhDeUNGZUpxZ2c6MA

Another thing you should do is INSTALL THE DAILY ORDERS SCRIPT. Follow the instructions in this article to install it. It really helps. Trust me. I'll try to get the eDBP to translate that article if possible.

Now to introduce all of you to the IRC. The IRC is where most real time communication between citizens take place. Here, you can chat, hang out and learn new things from far more experienced players. In times of trouble, this is where real time orders are given. Sometimes, the IRC can feel like a graveyard when no one is saying anything, but hey, YOU can say something right? Who knows, one day, you could be someone important in the eWorld! There are several ways you can use the IRC.

The first is through Rizon itself. Use this link.
Rizon IRC

Type in your nickname(preferably your erepublik nickname for easier identification) and then the following in the 'channels' to enter different channels. These three are usually the most open channels.

#erepublik.my -The National IRC channel
#MAP - FUP's IRC channel
#DAP - DAP's IRC channel

The second is through Mibbit. I personally do not use this so I'm not sure how it works.
The link: Mibbit

Use the drop down list and select Rizon (webirc). Then do as I told you before and you should end up in the same place. 😛

Several people you should know about include:

Vikta- Notorious Baby-boomer, mentor and ‘eFather’ to many of us including me.

Nagyzee- eMalaysia’s economic guru.

SetsunaX- Ex-minister of social affairs who, during his term in office, tirelessly worked for newbies.

Carr De Vaux- Journalist extraordinaire.

If I name them all, the list would go on forever. Take a look at ww88(our president’s) cabinet line-up to get a rough idea on the important people in our country.
You can find the line up HERE.

Basically, if you want more information on eMalaysia and its past in the new world, take a look at the newspaper articles of the people mentioned above. The articles will tell you a bit more on what you have missed.

That’s all I have to say for now. The BM version will be up as soon as I can get the eDBP to translate this lengthy article. Some history on the relatively new eDBP HERE. So thank them in advance because it’s not easy doing what they do.

Vote this up so that everyone can see this! Don’t be selfish!

