[GOV] Elections - TO threat avoided

Day 612, 03:53 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

I have some breaking news for all of you today. I know it sounds weird but the Brazilian group has apparently given up on their TO attempt in the very last hours. nuutxer, the leader of the group has left for Indonesia yesterday leaving the former Djozikeist party to Gyadi, a practising djozikeist. The other taken over party has been renamed back to Malaysian People's Party as a sign of goodwill by MdmCarmim. Let's all celebrate nuutxer's leaving by singing this song.😃

And why did they give up? I don't know for sure but it might has something to do with the following:
- EBATO the Brazilian official anti-TO group was contacted and they might have put some pressure on them. If yes, then thanks a lot to them.🙂
- I've heard rumours that with the announcement of citizenship arriving they didn't see the perspective in taking us over any more.
- And I'd like to think that our marvellous organization and unity might have to do something with it, too.

So what is the situation now? We have a list of official candidates but almost no opponent. A weird situation to be in, but still much better than fighting for our lives. Two official candidates, Vikta and DonDefensor forgot to candidate in Peninsular Malaysia while Roxz did candidate in Sabah but from the wrong party. Apart from that all of the unity candidates are in place.

In Sabah there is only one non-official candidate while in Sarawak only two. This means that it would take too much effort for too little gain to push them out of congress probably. In Peninsular Malaysia we have a bit more non-official candidates, but also some free places for them as we have only 8 official candidates there but probably 12 people will enter congress from here. Luckily most of the non-official candidates are also trusted members of the community. This means that we would have 24-25 seats in congress in trusted hands even without anyone casting a single vote.

This means that we have a considerable free voting capacity. My proposal is that we should try to help friendly countries who are under a takeover attempt themselves rather than wasting lots of votes to increase our places in congress by one or two. I'll contact the two party presidents and discuss the situation with them. More news to come afterwards.

And I congratulate everyone for a good job done.🙂

Best regards,

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