[FUP] Attention to all party members!!! Party official instructions [ENG/BM]

Day 827, 02:09 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Federal Unity Party

O Hai,

Voting-information - (UPDATED 19:14 ereptime)

If you want to vote for Federal United Party candidate, we would appreciate if you could contact this organization for instructions on which candidates we would like you to vote for. Otherwise you could always join FUP's IRC-channel which is #MAP on Rizon, you can contact by using this system by typing in your in game nickname under username and #MAP under channel.

if you can't access to the party channel we suggest you vote on the candidates below:

*We are urging our supporters to vote for our candidates in East Malaysia by
1. Request Moving Ticket by pm this org or comment in this article;
purchase 2 q1 moving ticket from market place
2. When you click the "Change" button under your current location on your profile page
3. Select country - Malaysia and region - either Sabah or Sarawak and click the move button
4. Vote for the following candidates in this link

Sabah: HelmiZ, pantherthug89
Sarawak: Darrenj93, Andreey, sakurara, collinar

if you need to stay back in Peninsular Malaysia, we suggest you to vote for:
Peninsular Malaysia: neuronic27

A good advice would be:
* Don't vote for Exom7 in Peninsular Malaysia right now.
* Don't vote for Hiyamoon in Sabah right now.
* Don't vote for Amillin in Sabah right now.
* Do not ever vote for Barisan National candidate, they are the enemy of the state
* Someone have said that it's a good thing to hold ones vote until the very last moment.

Thank you, and remember, vote FUP!

Undilah untuk eMalaysia, Undilah FUP!!

Best Regards,

======================================== =====================
This is the 1st instruction in this election to all FUP members,

All members that doesn't contest in the upcoming election are require to request from FUP and join in Centralist Partisanship Party until 00:05 Feb 25, Day 828 of the New world. This is in effort together with the government and also all parties in this nation to fight off the PTO group.

BARISAN NASIONAL have been identify as the nation's enemy and all citizens request to stop them joining coming election as only top 5 parties are allowed to join the coming congress election.

More instruction will be announce shortly and we request the party members stand by with instruction from this official newspaper.


Ini merupakan suruhan pertama dalam pilihan raya ini kepada semua ahli-ahli FUP,

Semua ahli-ahli yang tidak bertanding dalam pilihan raya akan datang diminta menyertai parti Centralist Partisanship Party sehingga 00:05 Feb 25, atau hari ke-828 dalam dunia baru. Ini merupakan usaha bersama dengan kerajaan dan juga semua parti dalam negara ini untuk menghalau kumpulan PTO.

BARISAN NASIONAL telah mengenal pasti sebagai musuh negara dan semua rakyat meminta untuk mengalang mereka menyertai pilihan raya akan datang sebagai kerana hanya parti atas 5 dibenarkan menyertai kongres kedatangan pilihan raya.

Lebih suruhan akan diumumkan sebentar dan kami meminta ahli-ahli parti itu membantu dengan memerhati suruhan daripada akhbar rasmi ini.

Undilah untuk eMalaysia, Undilah FUP!!

Party President
Federal Unity Party