[Full Collapse] The eBachelorette - Episode 2

Day 2,361, 21:52 Published in USA USA by wookyjack

Previously on the eBachelorette - Episode 1

Welcome back everybody! It has been a long, grueling week, but we’ve finally made it. My obligations as a Congressman have been a bit tasking here and there, but I know I owe Miss Mazzy_Cat a big one for delaying production.

Its been a rough few days. Mazzy knows. I hope she forgives meh.

WookyJack: Well, we finished Episode 2 with a heartbreaker: Miss Mazzy dismissed Greeling and Tyler Bubblar from contention leaving only 5 suitors left.

Mazzy Cat: So we are going to feed them all to sharks.

No Mazzy_Cat, we’re not going to feed them to the sharks! Not yet anyways… But welcome back viewers to the next episode. This round we have a special treat in store for you. The competitors were tasked with naming 10 of Mazzy’s favorite things. Mazzy what made you think of this idea for the competition?

Simple really! If you wanna earn the right to an eDate with me. You need to know what sort of things I like. Would be rather horrible if we went out on an eDate and I was totally bored. Nobody likes those eDates.

Nobody likes boring eDates? NO WAY. Well the contestants were definitely more confident this round because after I sent them your note they fired back answers! Are you ready for the next round?

I am! I’ve been a very good kitty and haven’t peeked! You have no idea how badly I want to know how everyone has done. I hate the elimination part, but there can only be one right? Well... nevermind! That’s a CRAZY idea! Anyways... I think I’m ready. What do you have for me WookyJack?

Well, what I did was private message all the suitors and sent them this message you had given me:
“Hey there suitors! Amazing job on the poems... my heart melted... I teared up... It was amazing. Next job - I need to know if you know me and pay attention. List 10 of my favorite things - Those who do the best... Move on to the final challenge.”

Haste. Haste took place as soon as I sent this message out. The suitors appear incredibly eager to win your heart, Miss Mazzy. Their responses certainly showed the determination and vigor they have to win your affections. As we did previously, each suitor will come in and tell you what they think are you 10 favorite things. First is Aramec.

1. Cats.
2. Your kids.
3. Hugs.
4. Pettings.
5. The color pink.
6. Michelle Pfeiffer.
7. Gettin' a lil bit frisky wink wink, nudge nudge.
8. Chocolate.
9. Aramec.

Nice. Umm, Aramec, I counted 9. Did you have a 10th one?

Aramec: Mmm, lemme double check.

Ok. Is that an answer or are you double checking?

Aramec: …

Well, I guess he thinks only 9 of your favorite things are necessary!


1. Running naked through just about anything (how we met, so dreamy)
2. Poetry
3. Cats (beautiful cat that looks like mine, I want to say siamese? Mine's tonkinese, breed of siamese)
4. Being adorable
5. Hugs
6. Petting
7. Monies for the treasury
8. Baby giraffes (anything cute for that matter)
9. Making me hide (did I mention how we met?)
10. Being P/H!!!


1. Music
2. Motorcycles
3. Romance/love
4. Flirting
5. Long hair
6. Helping people
7. Attention
8. Kitties
9. Pink
10. Beards

Uncle Shylock

1. sex
2. sex
3. sex
4. sex
5. sex
6. sex
7. sex
8. sex
9. sex
10. sex

I can’t imagine what 11-20 would be if we had that many things to choose from!

Melissa Rose


1. vodka
2. catnip
3. sentsy candles
4. flowers
5. chocolate
6. poetry
7. Sexy women
8. sexy men
9. any and all cool music (depending on her mood) Lily Allen - F*ck You
10. and nice people.


irule77, are you coming out?

Mazzy: HeapSeppo!?

HeapSeppo: Mazzy, I realize I lost the love of my life. I would like to get a 2nd chance to make things up to you. (Seppo walks up to Mazzy Cat, drops to his knees, looks into her eyes as tears fall down his cheek, golden hair flowing) Will you forgive me?

Everyone stood speechless. I looked over at the producers to see what they wanted me to do. They baulked. Mazzy was standing there, biting her lip, chin quivering...then she turned and left the set.


I stand in front of Seppo as he tries to pursue her. I put my hands on his shoulders to try and calm him down but his Swedish strength and sorrow blinded him and he threw me to the side. A cameraman was the last thing in his way as he headed towards the door Mazzy Cat exited. Seppo plowed over the cameraman and slammed into the door several times before huffing and turning around. Another cameraman rushed up to him to get the emotion in his face. Seppo looked up, snarled and punched the camera.

To be continued...