[FEC] Feedback and Responses

Day 905, 18:13 Published in USA Brazil by Rod Damon

The FEC contacted the party leaders and their assistants after the Congressional election last month to get feedback on how the FEC ATO program was working and seeing how we could approve matters. The comments submitted and the responses are listed below.

Things that went well from the Federalist perspective -
The FEC was quick to respond to questions
FEC provided a fast response to the PTO threats
Things that didn't go as well as we would have liked -
We provided a warning to the other parties that (name edited) was acting suspiciously. Perhaps we should have provided that warning to the FEC.
SAC used anti-PTO votes before admin had a chance to eliminate multi-account votes that were cast for PTO threats.
We failed to identify one of our blockers as a potential PTO threat. The blocker had run as a blocker the previous month for us without problem.
So only suggestions are to have each party report to the FEC who is suspect and to suggest that the SAC hold off on voting as long as possible giving erep admin time to delete bad votes.

1) Any suspicions should be sent to FEC as well, just so we can remind a party if they missed the warning the first time.
2) While Admin has been doing a better job in dealing with multi voters and canceling their votes, we can't really count on them to come through at this time. Yes, it would be preferred if people hold off on voting until later, but given the choice, I will err on the side of caution. Ideally, we will not have any PTO candidates on the ballot next time, so it will not be an issue.



I have one major concern. This was a humongous amount of work for you; what worries me is that, when you get tired and decide to pass the position on to someone else, your replacement might not be able to do it all. Would it be possible for you to expand the position of FEC to include a couple more people, and divvy up the duties amongst them?

In process

I honestly didn't have much to do with it, I did not like how Kazeal (the actual PP and one who was running the UIP effort) lost editing access to the FEC document on the 24th, but regained it on the 25th. It made no sense and required us to have a secondary document made just in case something happened. Aside from that, I can't really recall anything exceptional.

Editing was shut off so that we could verify the lists. It does us no good to verify a list and then have someone change it 5 minutes later. Any changes that need to be made should be sent to the FEC and we will adjust it on the sheet.

Several things. 1. I think we should make sure blockers are labeled as blockers, and not allow the SEES to place candidates in every state causing confusion for everyone else. Especially when 2/3rds of them won't even be considered to get votes.
2. Make sure people who should have access have access.

1a) As far as the FEC is concerned, party blockers and candidates are interchangeable. The only blockers we are concerned with are FEC blockers if they need to be placed.
1b) Whether a party chooses to distinguish their blockers and candidates is up to each party to decide.
2) See # 4 above

I think it went pretty well, no PHX people got in Congress, however they got candidacy, so meh. The only reason they didn't get a few in is because they gave it away too early imho

No Response needed

Well, despite the party merger, things seemed to work out ok for the APF. THen again, I wasn't around after the 23rd, so I don't really know how well it went.

No Response needed

Okay, two quick things. The FEC allows parties to run as many candidates as they want reguardless of their ability to support them. The requirement for blockers/candidates is the same for every party so everyone has the same obligation reguardless of how many candidates they have, rather than having to be legitmately responsible.

Second, it seemed like the FEC was in a bit of a scramble for blockers. Military blockers could be gathered much further in advance, and I would also have liked to have known that it was the military that blockers were being drawn from, not SAC reserves or civilian volunteers. If i'm going to work with a system I had no voice in implementing, I want to know whats going on with it.

Overall though, seemed a pretty successful run. If nothing else, more communication rather than expectations would be cool.

1) Correct. The FEC is not concerned about who wins the elections, just that legitimate, screened, and vetted people are running. Ideally the FEC will not have to place FEC blockers and on the 25th, there will be no need for any domestic ATO activity.
2) We are building up the # of blockers we have. We were drawing from the military and SAC reserves as there was insufficient approved civilian volunteers.

All Top 5 party presidents and viable challengers should be ready to proceed with the program after their election on the 15th.

Anyone wishing to apply to be a FEC blocker should send a private message to SAC.

Thank you for your interest.