[example] Character Building

Day 1,205, 18:04 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by KUD richi

this article is just example.
not to be judged.

Character Building
Playing erepublik is not just about work train and fight. It is about having your second life (called elife), about living in community (eNation, eWorld), and experiencing all its complexity.

Building your character in here (eLife) is pretty much similar to Real World/ Real Life (RL), but way simpler.
In general there are two aspects of someone’s character attributes. They are "measurable Quality attribute” (for simple name😛 Quantity attribute) and immeasurable Quality attribute (name😛 Quality attribute).
Quantity attribute of someone can be seen in: Strength, Ranks, Wealth, Medals, etc.
And Quality attribute as seen in his/her attitude, kindness, generosity, fame, credibility, etc.

Building your Quantity Attributes

Building your strength needs patience at most.
Train everyday is an obligation and having your friend invited playing erepublik will add 25% to 50% bonus points.
Beside that you can get more bonuses when choosing booster that cost 0.19 to 1.99 G. that will drain your Gold account if you don’t have steady cash flow.

Making money in erepublik is important

Working as employee
Working as employee is the basic way of making money. Go to job market, then apply a job and work everyday will give you enough money to survive everyday. Alike training, working also give us bonuses when using booster or/and invited friend.

Money Market (Monetary Market aka MM)
Put your extra cash into MM, and you can calculate the “spread” you’ll get profit from it. How? The details will be explained in other occasion.

Creating Company/work as manager
Creating company will be very useful if you get enough money (Gold).
When we had set our company(s) up, we can work as manager. In cost 10 wellness (5 Q1 foods) we will able to produce products. We can sell that product (extra income), and we also will gain more work skills each “work as manager”. So basically saving your gold for building company is more profitable than using that gold for work booster.

Buying from Admin
Well we can always get quick Gold by buying it.

Level up bonuses, invited players, medal achieved, and some other ways will give us Gold too.

Rank will be given after some damages done in the battlefield (BF). Higher your rank, more damage you’ll do in battle. Using weapon in BF will boost your damage that will also boost rank point gained.

We can get medal if we achieve something, i.e. becoming congressperson, president, having 1000 subscribers, working 30days in a row, etc. How? Details can be found in other occasion.

Well, those are some Quantity attribute that we can get from this game, but those are not the most important in here, Players with thousands Gold, hundreds of Medals, High Ranked, 5000++ strength pts, are not always better than others. In this game that we also socialized with other players, we also have specific Quality attribute that differ us and the others.

Building your Quality Attributes

Writing good paper is one of the easiest ways to be famous, but writing good articles is not that easy. But these are the secret of being good writer
1. Creative
2. Consistent

Respect and Honor
“We should respect others if we want to get their respect”
I think this is enough to explain it.

Basically in erepublik our RL attributes will always shown. People, who are kind in RL, usually are kind in here too. So be your self.