[Evry4POTUS] Kindness is Contagious

Day 1,686, 22:46 Published in USA USA by Evry

Hello America,

I know it hasn’t been long since we last talked, but, I figured I’d present a few more of my cabinet selections as well as a new program I’m planning on starting up.

As I mentioned in the last article, I’m deciding to call the three areas of my cabinet by different names. They’ll be called Team Killing, Team With, and Team Kindness. This is also my campaign slogan: Killing With Kindness. I announced the folks forming Team With in my last article located here. This article will be dedicated to the group in charge of domestic programs within the eUS, Team Kindness.


I’d first like to remind you of my leader of Team Kindness, the kind-hearted, Molly Emma!

Molly Emma has accumulated roughly 6 months of experience as Secretary of the Interior. In addition, she also helped out with the Department of Education when the departments were merged for a little while. She’s well known for having a big heart and helping new players whenever she can. She’s great at explaining things and at giving out the goodies. Also, she’s served on the Economic Council for over 6 months giving her great insight and experience in (what’s left) of the economic module allowing her to have a great relationship with my eventual pick for the Secretary of the Treasury position. I’m confident she’ll do a great job as my VP of Domestics.

Next up to be announced is my Secretary of Interior selection. I have chosen the gun-toting CO of the Special Forces, Rainy Sunday!

Rainy Sunday has done nearly every job possible in the eUS. She’s been Vice President a bunch of time, Speaker of the House 5 or 6 times, a congresswoman a whopping 19 times, PCO in ST6 for 18+ months, current Commanding Officer of the Special Forces, and has helped with various programs such as Meals on Wheels (for 7 months) and actually being the Secretary of Interior (for 2 months). Rainy Sunday knows what to do and I know for a fact that she’ll do a great job as my Secretary of Interior.

The Department of Interior will contain the usual DoI programs including the CivMU, Bewbs4Newbs, Meals on Wheels, etc. The directors of those programs will be selected later on by Rainy and I, so, if you’re still interested make sure to apply for spots within these programs, and others in my cabinet via the application link located here: http://tinyurl.com/TeamSmile.

In addition to the usual programs, I’m also planning on starting a new program in order to address a growing problem in our country. I’m not talking about PTOing foreigners, or a military invasion by the evil ONE menace. I’m talking about complacency and apathy. Lately, the eUS has been overwhelmed by an attitude of “who cares” and “I’m bored”. It’s commonplace to see a comment in your shout feed saying something to the effect of “This game is dead, see ya later eRep.” This complacency and apathy is resulting in us losing military fighters, article writers, and business owners to the grave. Every day we lose a little bit more talent and a few extra active members willing to take over the reigns from the older players.

In order to fight this growing problem, I’m re-starting an old program, and renaming it to something more appropriate. I’d like to introduce to you, The Smile Squad!

Relevant song is relevant: http://youtu.be/_vgAMSmFmTo?t=36s

The point of the Smile Squad is to raise morale and interest in the eUS. This will be done via multiple games and contests with prizes funded via personal donations from me, and from whatever other people donate as well. I’m hoping to have regular IRC games such as trivia contests and uno matches in addition to some article writing contests and various forum games. I’ve also hand picked the Captain of the Smile Squad which I’ve selected to be Eric Vanderberg.

Eric has been running the game nights for AMP recently and has done a great job. I took part of my idea from his game nights (in #amp.games). Who better to help you set up game nights and other competitions in-game and on the forums than the person currently already running some game nights on IRC? Eric may not have a super duper amount of experience in eRep, however, I’m confident he’ll do a great job as Captain of the Smile Squad and that the program in general will be spectacular.

I would also like to announce my Secretary of Education who will be Dennis McVicker.

I know it’s not his real avatar picture, but, it’s as close as I could get.

Dennis McVicker has been the Secretary of Education for the last month or so and has done a great job getting information out to the new players out there. The Department of Education is very important as it teaches new players the right way to play and to help them avoid common pitfalls when they start out. It also provides them with a list of opportunities available to them including military groups and political routes to take. I fully expect Dennis to continue his great work and keep the DoE running smoothly.

That’s all I’ve got for now announcement-wise. Next up will be the presentation of Team Killing and the associated team members.

Check out my previous articles so far for this campaign here, here, here, here, and

If you wish to learn more about my campaign, please join me in my campaign channel: #KillingWithKindness or send me a PM.