[eSKMoE] A guide to Joining a Party and Advertising

Day 1,119, 10:16 Published in South Korea Switzerland by Dan/naD Wilshire
Ministry of Education

Guide to working and Eating
Guide to training & fighting
Guide to Your Day & Gold

Political Parties and Advertising

Well these are two good areas’ to cover. They interlock in one way so I thought I would mix them together. I am also looking for someone who can translate my MoE articles in Korean. If anyone can please comment or mail me please.

Political Parties

Well there are a few things you need to do before you can join a party. You need to be level 15 to join a political party. To run for congress you need 100 XP. To become CP you need some more : ).

Being in a party can be fun. You get to meet new people, and most parties try all they can to help new players and members. It is a good way to make friends and get to know more about the country that you are a part of.

Creating a Party costs 40 gold
Running for Party President costs 2 gold
Running for congress and Country President is Free.

Good luck and remember to have fun. But be warned, the political world is a wild ride 😉


Well advertising is a big part of the eWorld. On the right hand side of the page will see that the pictures are always changing, these are the ads. They cost anything over One gold, but nothing under it.

When creating an add you need a link (to onsite place only) a Picture (if you want one) a title and a small description.

When positioning the ad, make sure you don’t have it on global otherwise your ad will have little air time and won’t last long (may not even show up in your country). Make sure you set it to the country you desire.

When budgeting the ad, make the impressions 10,000 x the amount of gold you are using. i.e. for a 10 gold add, have at least 100,000 impressions. Otherwise it won’t last as long as the gold you are budgeting.

Final Note

Well I hope you all are having fun on the game, in total the MoE has had 30 votes over the two articles. We need to be looking at 30 votes per article if we want all out new players to see it! So please tell you friends to vote this article to help all the new players!

Good Luck to you all!

Dan/naD Wilshire