[eSKMoE] A Gudie to working and eating

Day 1,117, 03:39 Published in South Korea Switzerland by Dan/naD Wilshire
Ministry of Education

MoE-Gide for Beginners

eRepublik can be a very complicated world when you first begin. But it doesn’t have to be. This guide will hopefully help you take your first steps into the eWorld with ease.

Finding a job and working

Finding a job doesn’t have to be hard. It can be done in a few simple steps.

Step One: Find the top tool bar with My Places, Market, Info etc.

Step Two: Hover your mouse over or click on Market.

Step 3: Go down to the option “Job Market” and click on it.

Step 4: Look at the job listings and pick the highest paid job that has one star in green under the picture of the business.

Now you have the job, it’s time to go and work.

Step 1: Go to the menu which says my places

Step2: Click on “Company”

Step 3: Click on Work

Step 4: Then click on “single espresso” and invite two friends in you have them (don’t worry if you don’t”

Step 5: Click on the Work button at the bottom

And there you have it, you have now worked! Repeat this everyday and if you work 30 days in a row you will get a reward!

How To buy food and eat

Step 1: Go back to the market menu.

Step 2: Click on the first option “market place”

Step 3: Click on the firts option which a picture of a food on it

Step 4: Click continue

Step 5: Buy 2 of the first food on the market

Now to eat food

Step 1: Go back to the homepage (click on the button of a house)

Step 2: On the left hand side of the screen underneath the home button is a list

Step 3: Go down to where they is a picture of a small green cross with a number next to it.

Step 4: Underneath the is a button which will say “Eat Food”

Step 5: Click this, then click it again.

Now you have eaten and are full again!

The Forums

You can find our forum here: http://esouthkorea.freeforums.org/

Final Note

This is just a basic guide. I hope it helps.

Good Luck!

Dan/naD Wilshire