[Enigma Novice]: Ce*so**hi*

Day 1,057, 10:56 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Field Marshal Milancho

Not that i have many readers (i have a lot of subscribers tho), but this is what i sent to admins:

Well th* new m*d*a "*mpr*vem*nt" is*'t *mp*rov*me*t...

enough of that, please reverse the new media change and rather put a limit of articles published

With new change:
- you limited trolls to one country (which will be more spammed now)
- made good writers from small countries inable to get MM medal
- prevented good writers from small countries from getting their word out

With limit of maybe 4 - 5 articles a day instead of limiting them to one country:
- you actually stop trolls from spamming too much
- good writers get to be listened and a chance for MM medal

Well this is feedback and improvement most of people would want, not that made up you just did.

Thank you for listening.

I do believe that my change is way better than the one of admins.

Also i donated some gold to Joe Newton to spread his word and rage out.

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