[ENG] Popetz (untranslatable russian word)

Day 947, 21:53 Published in Russia Russia by HankScorpio
(this is an english translation of this article. Huge thanks to Great_Nikita, who made this text. Also, i need less than 100 subscribers for MM, so you can help me reach it 😁)
Good morning all. Today marks the beginning of an end of Russia’s territorial independence. This happened not when I attacked our neighboring enemies, because back then we had over 20 MPP’s and no one would’ve risked going against such a force. Instead, this happened today, when our ‘glorious’ RKKA bravely crushed all hopes of eRussian citizens for a free future.


Why was North Korea so important for eRussia?

Everyone knows, that North Korea has been under eRussia’s control and for a long time served as a source of so-called training wars(TW) for all of Phoenix alliance, as well as other friendly and neutral countries. The point of TW is that the county wishing to participate pays fully for an MPP as well as contributing its share of the cost of attacking the regions. The host country is, as such, in a highly favorable position, since it gets a whole bunch of MPP’s virtually free. And moreover, the population of the host country gets to train as well. Epic battles don’t happen everyday, hence there is always a need for TWs.


Why was it necessary to free Ryanggang?

O n the 15th of June, Chinese have PTO’d 3 of the top 5 NK parties. As such, they would have taken the majority in congress, impeached pro-Russian president and cut off eRussia’s access to TW, depriving us of the majority of the current MPPs. The only way out was to wipe NK out, and after wards restore it before June 23rd. Why 23rd? Because this is the last day to propose congress candidates. In case of a total country wipeout, all the parties are transferred to the conqueror. Hence, if NK were to return on the map, there would have been no political parties. It was planned to send a PTO team there, create a party and propose people for congress. That way, we would have kept control of NK and as such still would have had the ability to do training wars.


What happened?

Thanks to our dear commies, who dealt over 175k damage (that’s only from top 15 people), Ryanggang remained under Russian control. Even if China attacks and frees it now, the earliest it can happen is June 24th. As such, no one will be able get proposed to congress. Neither us, nor our enemies. But in this case, as per eRepublik rules, anyone will be able to get NK citizenship. How’s this bad? It means a new president will be elected, or rather the new old president, our ‘beloved’ Afanasiy Drago, who gave us plenty of trouble back when NK was under Eden control. As soon as NK appears on the map, hundreds of Chinese will move there for citizenship.


What are the consequences?

Alliance will be deprived of its training wars, and Russia, no longer the host country, will lose most of its MPP’s. With the constant outflow of people due to V2, this means only one thing – occupation. Yes, enemies wont strike right away, they will wait for MPPs for expire, and then easily conquer us.


Who’ s at fault?

First and foremost, it’s me. It’s my fault, for I thought that eRussians can read russian. My fault for thinking that the population cares about eRussia, that they care about MD’s orders, care about the work of all others ministries, where people sacrifice their own time and RL for the good of the country. Ministry of defense is at fault too, since it, due to apparently being busy, didn’t monitor the status of an important battle.

But hey, commies aren’t at fault! They were always like that. Their pro-Chinese views were obvious in their foreign affairs policy. Time and over again they have told us they don’t give a sh*t about the alliance. The alliance, which was always there for eRussia, when we were in trouble.

Btw, a curious thing happened even before the taking of Rhone Alps. Through the eRussian ambassador to china, Captain Ruslan, who is a member of CPSU, I was contacted by Chinese president with an offer to sell China for 2000gold. He claimed to hate Chinese, and would be none the happier if they get occupied. However, once I warned him that the money will only be paid upon him completing his end of the bargain, his hatred subdued and he didn’t contact me anymore. Obviously, he wanted to scam the alliance. But did commies know about it? In light of recent events, the answer is not certain.


What can we do?

Prepare for occupation. You can start saving up US and Chinese currency. Of course, 12 interesting battles await us, but with the future (of our MPP’s) so gloom their result is obvious. One could say that that might provoke a baby boom? I will answer you that we will miss it, since we are right now between V1 and V2. And if babyboom comes during V1, then the newbies, already swarmed with piles of information, will simply dump the game once V2 comes and the game suddenly changes. And since we all know how hard Eden will defend its occupied regions, I personally don’t have high hopes for a miraculous liberation.



It is hard to be a president in a country which digs its own grave. All your efforts get crushed by events such as this. Just take a look at battle stats. Suppose out of 830k of damage by defenders(green), about 230k was done by RKKA, about 100k by Tixoi’s FM’s(inside joke here – means by very high level bots of one prominent Russian botnet owner), and about 100k by foreigners. That means that against MD’s orders, about 400k of damage was done by Russian two-clickers. Even a quarter of that damage would have been enough to free Ryanggang.

In two days, we will have congress elections. And those people, who today hit for defenders, tomorrow will vote for commies. What does it mean to have commies in the congress? It means an impeachment of any non-commie president on July 6th. A total breakdown of intra-alliance relations is not a farfetched possibility if this happens. And this is the future you chose – you, who today fought for green. With which I heartily congratulate you.

Oh and here is the list of ‘heroes of the day’, which you can see here, on the right side.


Hank of the day