[Eng] Food and weapon price comparator is working again

Day 1,166, 09:34 Published in Bulgaria Poland by erepmaniak2
I repaired weapon and food price comparator available at my site available at:

Direct links:
food comparator
weapons comparator

I also updated other services which required this due to recent changed made by erepublik administration:
- damage calculator - it shows now correct influence cost
- company calculator and company for sale - added +25% citizenship modifier
- added 3 new countries

tteeeeeeeeeeeeeest SZPITALE KURWA

Future hanges
Right now I'm working on two new components:
- Improved company simulator - this tools will tell you how profitable it would be for you to establish and work in a company as a company manager.
- BH hunter - component which will list you battles wher you can easily get BH

Quick guide on the website for those, who don't know it yet

hospital finder
List currently available hospitals

company calculator
Give id of your company and thhe tool will calculate profit of your company

company simulator
The website will automaticaly load job market salaries, raw price and product price for this country and simulate profits for the company you specified.

food, ticket, weapons, houses, raw prices comparator
Compares price of product in different countries/alliances. Includes filter (for. example find me cheapest Q5 weapon on the whole erepublik)

job offers
Tools to find best-paid jobs on the erepublik. (income tax included)

damage calculator
- calculate cost of your hits when fighting with Q5 weapons or unarmed
- calculate cost when using food or health kits.
- calculate how much you would deal with better rank/strength
- compare your influence cost with other players
- compare your influence cost in different countries

... and lots of stats (currency, country data, prices charts)