[EN] SD :: Issue 1 (XLIII) (756, 15.12.09) - world press digest

Day 756, 13:30 Published in Serbia North Korea by NetNazgul
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Editor's | Theme of the Day | One Line | "This is no longer a game" | Entente | Analytics | Postscriptum

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Hello, serbians and other english-reading folk!
I've always wanted to create an english version of my digest, though it's a lot of work to translate all the text from original. Nevertheless this is Steelhammer Digest EN-1 - world press and analytics digest. There are not much of similar works e-worldwide (in fact, I think I'm the only one to run such a project), so I think it'll be entertaining and useful for you to follow my english-made articles.
Read, vote and subscribe!
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"Argentinians, it's time to make a choise - Spain+EDEN or Brazil+PHOENIX"
eAustralia: "The war has begun. We should concentrate and rally to fight the enemy back"
Spanish are blocking eBrazil to prevent their attack on australian land
Turkish president instructs greek people about following occupation and Greece assimilation
...israeli are instructed too
One gets +200% for 5G, one - for 1.8G, and others - even +100% for 1G. This is the romanian justice
The future of eRepublik
How the turks fought the greeks (pics inside)
eBulgarian campaign of eRomania (flash report photos)
New eRep module - SEX!
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No longer a game for everyone
Here we go. President of eSouth Africa, the most active and famous player of eSA (and one of the most eworld famous), Ines Schumacher was hacked, including all accounts and even personal e-mail. This game ceases to be just the game, when hackers intrude the personal life. Today we see e-mail hacked, and what's next - credit cards? (to mention, romool's (one of famous russian players) e-mail was also hacked not long ago).
Administration doesn't care about it. Seems, that they love it - to hear lots of hate from players every day.

Somebody plays the game, somebody incarnates his personal mental problems. I hope that there will be time without the second group of players.
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Declaration Of Intention on creation of The Entente
Sometimes I think that the whole eWorld plays one game, eRussia plays another and eRussian government plays even something different. There is too little information (if any) from eWorld for erussian community and from government either. This article is another proof of that.
eItaly, eFrance and eUkraine stated an intention to create Entente. And when some representatives of eRussian MoFA/MoD inform that french have changed the government and will be loyal to PHOENIX now, and ukraine-russia alliance is something almost done, - this is the time when these countries create their own structure with blackjack and hookers.
Official position is in the way (as I was informed), and for now - you can just read the press and think it yourself.
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I'm going to write on the point of world military situation here. Originally this part of article is to keep eRussia informed (cause there is so few informative newspapers in ru-media).

To begin with - look at this article - so-called romanian epic win. Yeah, lots of great numbers - romanian tanks brought the victory against 10 turkish MPPs in the time of 10 minutes! But look more precisely. In fact, it was just another spoil of a huge amount of gold. 800K of tanking - 15 times the tanking damage of defenders. This damage could be used in Burgas, in Germany, in Flanders or even can be reserved for something more important. And the region this damage was spent for will be returned by eTurkey just the next day - after a 24h-block. Romanians just play their muscles without a glance of punishment from their enemy and spent all the accounts without even counting them. I hope that PHOENIX will take this into account during their future plans.
Anyway, EDEN campaign in eTurkey is now stopped and even more - turks are going to teach eGreece a good lesson of retaliation. This war contains all the major MPPs of EDEN and PHOENIX and looks like the main one for the next few weeks.

And now - to other events on the e-map.
eChina allows eUSA to pass through their territory. We have 2 possible variants of following actions (Kalimbo wrote them in his article (rus)): 1) americans want to get another border with eRussia (I also thought about this as a double attack, with eCanada attacking on FER from Alaska, but people reassured me, pointing the fact that Canada has an MPP with USA) or 2) this is longer-waited democracy bringing
eBritain tries to get Flanders. British and dutch press had some news about forthcoming brit-dutch alliance (with some scandinavian regions maybe), that will make lots of profit for both countries. Flandes movement looks like the beginning of this.
ePoland invades eGermany. Good move from EDEN as eGermany hadn't built the MPP-wall and all the allies were busy with their own problems (only eRussia was able to react and it was not enough). Seems that such conflicts as Germany-Poland, USA-Russia, Hungary-Romania and Spain-France won't stop forever, just pause sometimes. Also, poles started some anti-German propaganda (like here and here ). It's not so effective but it's appearance speaks for itself.
eBrazil started war against australians. This part of military movements is not so clear to me. As chebbba sais, brazilians just create fun-ground for their babyboom.

All in all - the new world war has started. Both sides have regrouped, reformed and move their armies now to show what they've prepaired during 4 month of peace. The battle of Kyushu is point zero. Only time will show what's the final.
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Thank you for reading.
I'll analyze the reaction on this article and think about future eng-versions according to it.
Vote and sub if you like it.
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