[Editorial] South Korea is where you should go , Serbia !!

Day 1,338, 09:04 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by CHC2577


I don't know what is wrong with you, you said that you want to wipe out all the members in EDEN and TERRA. I personally don't like that idea, but that is your plan and your business.

Maybe you don't really have much chance to visit Asia recently, so you don't really know who is who. So let me give you some lesson 101.

ROC(Taiwan) is NOT a member of EDEN.
ROC(Taiwan) is NOT a member of TERRA.
South Korea is a member of EDEN.

So you should go fight South Korea and wipe them out.
or, are you afraid of the little, small, tiny south korea?


see you there, bye bye.

Taiwan Terminus Daily

* 本文同步轉寄 塞爾維亞總統 cowboy_from_hell 信箱