[EDEN] Victory in North America (Canada)

Day 706, 17:00 Published in Canada Canada by Scorpius

Hello everyone, Scorpius here, bringing you more good news from EDEN! What news you ask? Oh nothing, just an amazing victory on the North American front.

-Victory In Nunavut-

Let me start with a simple statement of fact.



You probably heard about this already, but it has been proved once again by the amazing display of teamwork and brotherhood that was our victory in Nunavut. At approximately 18:00 erep time, EDEN and Brolliance forces launched an attack on Hungary's last Canadian region. As soldiers from all over the eWorld poured into the eUSA to fight, Hungary held the wall high. Meanwhile, diversionary attacks were launched on Alaska and Heilongjiang. The key point of the battle in Nunavut, EDEN's key focus, was certainly the last 15 minutes. A mixture of tanks and regular soldiers from a variety of eCountries, as well as the EMC, managed to bring down a wall almost 400k big in a short period of time, eventually winning the battle. Brining down a high wall with heavy PEACE resistance is no easy task, but we got it done together. Teamwork is great isn't it?

This victory means nothing less then the FULL RESTORATION OF eCANADA! A feat months in the making. Having spent a massive amount of gold on this battle, the allies have shown that no price is too big for freedom. What we have all accomplished in Canada, we will do for each and every eCountry that needs it. The allies will not rest until all of North America, and the entire eWorld is liberated from PEACE occupation.

As a Canadian myself, i can not express the complete pride and gratitude i feel seeing my country restored to its full. On behalf of Canada i would like to thank our allies for making this amazing feat possible. I look back on the day Ontario fell, and the utter despair we all felt. It seems like such a long time ago but the pain is fresh in all our minds. We have come so far since then, and it is safe to say we are better off now. So thank you for everything.

-Manitoba is Back-

After its recent liberation from Hungary, Manitoba is now back where it belongs, in Canadian hands. A big thank you to the EDEN and Brolliance forces who helped liberate this region in the first place, and to those who helped put it back under Canadian control. We are immensely grateful!

In the past few days we've seen a lot of victory. But we must not forget we still have work to do. Continue to fight for we must not give up until every last region is liberated!

-Helpful info-

Reposted from my last article for your convenience.

Training Wars:

the Czech-Slovak war games are still going on. All citizens of allied countries are invited to take advantage of this opportunity to boost their rank and damage. See you on the battlefield!

EDEN High Command structure:

Supreme Commander- Shoot

Assistant Supreme Commander- Gabriel Lavanche

Military Organizer- Lilla_T

Assistant Military Organizer- Mogwaiii

Economic Organizer- smif

Media Director/Spokesmen- Me!

EDEN would also like to welcome a new member to our team.smif will be joining us as our new Economic Organizer. Smif has been a 3x President of Romania, 10x Congressmen, the first Field Marshal in Erepublik, and the founder of Partidul Liberal, among other things. His vast experience will be a welcome addition to the EDEN team. Hell, anyone called The Chuck Norris of Erepublik would be a welcome addition anywhere. We look forward to working with him.

EDEN would like to thank Siddy for his service as Economic Organizer. He has done great work and we are sad to see him go.

EDEN newspapers for future articles:

Scorp's Analysis

The Voice of EDEN

The Allied Media Project

Well that's it for now everyone. See you next article!

Long Live EDEN!

Scorpius, EDEN Media Director and Spokesmen