[EDEN] North America is Free (USA)

Day 709, 19:21 Published in USA Canada by Scorpius

It has been a long time coming. We all remember the first lost region that marked the start of what became known as World War III. In many ways, Alaska was a sign of things to come in the following months. It was an early example of the strength of the PEACE force that reduced the U.S. to nearly nothing, and wiped Canada off the map completely. However it is not a sign of something else. It is a sign of redemption. It is a sign of friendship and brotherhood. It is a sign that...

North America is free from PEACE!!!

Yes thats right. A short time ago Allied forces returned Alaska to where it rightfully belongs, in American hands. The first region to fall, it is now the latest to return. This marks the complete redemption of the U.S. It is something we should all be proud of.

And now for the thank you's. Yes there are quite a lot of them, because this was not the work of one country. It was the work of many countries, united by brotherhood and common interests, who defeated the most powerful alliance in the eWorld. Truly a remarkable feat. And believe me it was a lot of work. Each and EVERY country deserves a great deal of appreciation for this.

The EDEN nations of:
Bosnia and Herzegovina

and of course our Brolliance brothers, the U.S.A.

Great work everyone!

-Some More News-

EDEN would like to welcome the newest member of its High Command team. FelipeII, who will be joining us as our new Assistant Military Organizer. FelipeII has been playing erepublik since Beta, and has been serving as the general of the Spanish army for over 4 months now. He's a multi-term congressmen, member of the EMC, and his paper, Epic Battle, has over 1000 subscribers. All of this combined with his inhumanely high activity make him more then qualified to join EDEN command, and we welcome him to his new position.

Again, great job on the liberation of Alaska. Remember, our work is not done. Lets not forget those who are still not free. Rest assured, we will not let your oppression last!

Long Live EDEN
Long Life the Brolliance
