[EDEN] A message to eAustralia

Day 1,122, 10:51 Published in Romania Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

eAustralia, take courage the time of freedom is coming! EDEN is organizing and will strike with insurmountable force! Its omnipotence will crash PHOENIX’s countries, eIndonesia will become, YOUR Farm!

The attempts to destroy eAustralia will fail again. EDEN will not let any country fall on PHOENIX’s hands for long! Don’t let the current occupation of your homelands lower your morale. Plans for getting back your lands are discussed every day. When the time is right and PHEONIX is suppressed, we will unleash oblivion upon them. Tanks shall come from every corner of the universe to aid you in your rightful struggle for freedom, independence, and brotherhood.
The Brotherhood of EDEN never forgets!
(eIndonesia EDEN comes…..and you are cornered)

Hail eAustralia
Hail Freedom

eAustralia's Government’s statements:

Larni Kaddlestorm (eAustralia’s MOD)
EDEN and eUS were the first I contacted about our present situation. Despite the constant resistance wars in eAustralia by our own civilians attempting to free our lands, we all know that the battle for eAustralia will involve forces a lot greater than any, ever graced our shores in the past.

At the moment there are a few trolls attempting to gain political power by the lack of action on the eAustralian battle front. I find this action reprehensible and look forward to the day where they will be held accountable for attempting to split eAustralia.

We are all fighting this resistance in our own way, waiting for the time to strike in the heart of the enemy. That day of reckoning is coming, our friends across the world simply refuse to let our great nation become a memory. On that day, the Dropbears and the rest of the eAustralian forces will return.
And they will be bringing the apocalypse with them!

Bowen Eley (eAustralia’s CP)
eAustralia has had to fight eIndonesia time and time, both on the battlefield and against their PTOs. It is one of the most defining characteristics of our nation, dating back to when the war module was first introduced. eAustralia lacks the might of eIndonesia, but what we have is our blood and guts, always keeping the moral high ground against the bot armies that have constantly ravaged our lands, eAustralia has always fought back and survived their attempts to destroy us, including the months long PTO that brought the country to our knees. With our allies, we will throw out these oppressors and restore our country. EDEN has by far done more for us, than the failed attempts to negotiate after we liberated Western Australia for the first time and thus, to abandon our only friends and throw our lot with a nation which has never shown any interest in what is right, only might, is the height of madness. eAustralia will prevail!

Venja (eAustralia’s Chief of Staff and Minister for Industry)
Most eAustralians are very pro-EDEN and as a smaller member we always appreciate the help given when we are under strong threat. We also like to think whilst small we do our share of damage in support of our EDEN allies when called upon. We have been invaded by eIndonesia several times, including twice being completely wiped out. We are looking forward to when we can regain our land with EDEN’s help.

EDEN’s eCP’s statements:

Antonio Wimer (eCroatia’s CP)
eAustralia was always a friend and an ally, and has been under occupation for far too long.
I consider that keeping our allies free and safe is far more important than conquering bonus regions.
If we forget what makes us different from Phoenix, and their politics, where a bunch of strong countries dominate and smaller ones obey the masters.
We, "stronger" members of EDEN must put our countries goals aside and aid eAustralia in liberating their country against the oppressor.

TemujinBC (eCanada’s CP)
EDEN has not forgotten about our friends 'down under', and I know we will do our best to free eAustralia from the dreaded eIndonesian menace. When the time comes, eCanada will certainly be there along with troops from every EDEN nation.

StrozeR (ePoland’s CP)
Hello, Aussies,

Living Down Under hasn’t been easy recently. As one of your main MPPs, we were there -- and, sadly, lost. It’s hard to imagine what you went through already this year and the unspoken reasons of this situation sadden me as a person who believes that perhaps one day we’ll all be able to play fair. At the moment, the amount of fronts EDEN is fighting on doesn’t allow us to open another one. Nevertheless, rest assured, that right after the situation in Europe calms down a bit, we will burn some gold for the freedom you deserve.

Best Regards,

Graduallynevele (eNorway’s CP)
I've always been sympathetic to eAustralia's situation. As far as I go, being eNorway's President, there's not too much we can do. eNorway's small, and doesn't currently have an active military or mobile troops to assist. That's a good reason, as far as I can tell.

Watching eAustralia fall with minimal help, before, though. I don't even know how that happened. It's like EDEN didn't even try, as a whole. I felt awful. 😉

Valnad (eSweden’s CP)
The constant PTO and military threat against eAustralia is a complicated issue to solve. First of all they're close neighbors to one of the most notorious cheating communities in the world. It takes a lot of resources and admins help to fend of cheathers. You'll never be able to win against them on the battlefields unless you fight with equally dirty methods (which eSweden is not prepared to do). Secondly, it has to do with foreign affairs and diplomatic connections. I for one feel that the relations between Swedes and Aussies could improve a lot. We barely even know eachother right now. I'm open for discussions on how to improve our relations.

Furthermore, when it comes to military help (which seems to be the first priority right now, for all the obvious reasons) we will be able to continue sending our mobile forces to assist in future battles, but you have to keep in mind that we're one of the smallest nations in the world. Yet we do our best to uphold our obligations as members of EDEN. During the last struggles against eIndonesia, we sent our mobiles and even our own MoD - Bic deWille - who also happens to be one of the best tanks in the world. Several 100k influence. We did this during a time when we had our own wars to win as well. But unfortunately, we can't do much difference against a horde of enemies with just as much support as eAustralia had (probably more, to be honest). Like I said earlier, this is a war that has to be fought with admins help. Take it from someone who spends hours every day, scouting for suspicious activity.

EDEN media team,
Minotorious (Journalist)