***eCRO MoFA to eBulgarian friends - EDIT***

Day 1,375, 06:04 Published in Bulgaria Greece by Croatian Foreign Office

EDIT : TIME IS UP! CONGRESSMEN IN eCROATIA VOTE YES HERE : http://www.erepublik.com/en/Croatia/law/81667

Our dear friends,

By this act of eSerbia : http://www.erepublik.com/en/Serbia/law/81659 we are driven to the edge of tolerance. We tried to contact Serbian government to discuss this. No one answered.

In time when we had our own plans, this act was slap in our face as member of Eden! A provocation made by people who thought eCroatia is just „strong on words“, but will keep it's own path and goals. Well, they were wrong!

eSerbia is rushing to help FYROM – changing and dictating further events in eWorld. Well, in that case – eCroatia will bleed with it's friends also.

After emergency meeting of our Government and Eden representatives, even full aware of further consequences, and we did not acted in anger but in necessity , our response was swift and serious!


We instructed our congressmen to HOLD voting for now! We still cherish some hope that eSerbia will reject their proposed law in the spirit of common sense and tolerance. If not, eCroatia will respond in declaring NE to eSerbia!Once more, so close to achieve our goals, we must respond to friend's call in aid.

We have never betrayed our friends, and we will not! Many times we were not „strong“ enough to cover all needs of our friends. Many times, they could not help us. But, one thing has never changed – brotherhood until the end.

Our CP published this article : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-predsjednik-ehr-izvanredno-obra-anje-ne-serbia--1850493/1/20

And now, as a MoFA, I inform you all; eCroatia and Eden will respond. I call all of you, EDEN, TERRA, even ONE and all nations and players who recognise where THE HONOR is – respond, and in case of WAR – JOIN US!

For the last time, eSerbia I ask you to - VOTE NO here : http://www.erepublik.com/en/Serbia/law/81659 , and REJECT this law proposal, or be responsible for consequences!


eCroatian MoFA team