[DoI] Bank Up to Strength Up Program (Day 2281)

Day 2,281, 17:51 Published in USA USA by USA Department of the Interior

Hello eAmerica!

I'd like to present you with a little information on one of the DoI programs that you may or may not know about.....

The Bank Up to Strength Up (BU2SU) program is open to all eUS citizens, levels 21-28, who are in good standing with the eUS government (ie: members of PTO parties need not apply).

The aim of BU2SU is to help you, the new citizen of the eUS, to build up your Training Centers, by letting you earn gold. It is also to guide you through the process...teaching you which TG's to upgrade first, when to pay to train, and that STRENGTH > LEVEL.

What this program is NOT though, is a handout. Applicants are given the opportunity to earn their gold, by being active and productive citizens. By meeting the minimum requirements, you will earn the minimum amount of gold. You are also capable of earning bonus gold rewards, by doing things like:

- Being active in your Party's forums / IRC channel
- Working a party job
- Voting & shouting government articles
- Voting in your party's primaries
- Filling out the application 7/7 days

Basically...the more you do, the more you're eligible to earn.

The requirements are as follow:
1. Be a US citizen at or between levels 21-28
2. Do not belong to any anti-American group (Party or MU)
3. Read instructions and apply @ http://tinyurl.com/k76roqq
4. MUST fill out that form DAILY, after using Training Ground(s), to receive Gold payment WEEKLY
5. MUST apply at least 5 CONSECUTIVE days to get minimal Gold reward for applying.

About the Department of Interior
The DoI is a self-funded chapter of the eUS, dedicated to helping our newest players get whatever they need to become active, engaged citizens. The DoI budget is 100% funded by your generous donations....no tax money is used for any reason.

Feel free to message the Secretary to find out how you can help with your donation. The more money DoI has, the more we can pass along to our newfriends, and the faster they can grow.

Other Department of Interior Programs

Meals on Wheels - FREE FOOD!
1. Be a US citizen at level 25 or under
2. Grab your profile ID (this is the number at the end of your citizen profile page url)
3. Go to http://tinyurl.com/DoI-MoW

Moving Cost Program- Moving Money
1. Be a US citizen D1-D3
2. Minimum of 500 Strength
3. Apply here ONCE daily: http://goo.gl/ItMbE4


Political Parties

Federalist Party No Fed Left Behind - Food and or Tanks for members
1. Grab your profile link
2. Go to http://goo.gl/mCKKQp

We The People Feed The World - Food for all
1. Grab your profile link
2. Go to http://goo.gl/YjuR9D

United States Workers Party Fast Forward - Food for most, Tanks for members
1. Register @ eusaforums.com
2. Find your profile link
3. Visit and post your profile link @ http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,29589.0.html

American Military Party Food & Tank Program - Food and Weapons for members
1. Register at www.ampforums.info/forum/index.php
2. Visit and apply, http://www.ampforums.info/forum/thread-403.html

The Black Sheep Party In-Game Food/Tank Party Feed Giveaways
1. Join The Black Sheep Party: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/the-black-sheep-party-2397/1
2. Participate in the party feed giveaways in-game.

Secretary of the Interior

::😒hout It!:::
Free Stuff for America!