【讨论+广告】【拍卖起义权】【Do you want a shiny RW medal?】

Day 820, 12:38 Published in China China by The Samurai

因为国库存余不多,剩下数块土地,计划将面对广大市民拍卖起义权,通过起义进行归还。 竞标人员在胜标后,在当地进行起义,国家会联系菲律宾人民,要求他们帮助起义成功,起 义成功后,捐赠起义竞标价至央行。

第一块起义试验由菲律宾总统Keegan Knoll在今天早些时候发动,


费用为菲律宾支付。我们将根据起义胜利与否,决定是否实行拍卖的方法让菲律宾人 民协助起义。

我们将会从起义费用最低的土地开始拍卖,希望大家踊跃出价,为国减轻经济负担,也为自 己争得一份荣耀。拍卖将在24小时后开始,持续24小时。

The gold in our national treasury is running low. To pay the full amount of money to take back our land from Philippine-China landswap, we will auction the right of starting a resistance war in several original provinces of China which now controlled by Philippine. The winner should pay for the RW himself, and donate the bid to the national bank. In this way, we can save the country economy from the brink of collapse, and bring glory to the donor/bidder.

We will cooperate with Philippine government to try to assure the success of RW. Now the first RW is conducted by Phi President, depending on if the RW is successful, we will auction the rest of the territories after 24 hours from now. The auction will last for another 24 hours.