[DM] Rockets and Bombs, in a different way

Day 1,653, 03:59 Published in Australia Hungary by zkminusck


Well, Plato added some new weapons to the game, we all know this. For a limited time you get a Rocket too if you get a Battle Hero medal and a Bomb if you get a Campaign Hero medal. Rockets are dealing 1.000.000 damage, Bombs dealing 5.000.000.

The idea is not bad, but I think there is a better way to get these.

Idea 1:

For example get these with "scope like" droprates in battles. As I know, scopes are the rarest Bazooka parts in the game. Lets make Rocket and Bomb parts too, with "scope like" drop rates for every part. It will make it really rare.

Rocket parts:
- Rocket Body
- Rocket Explosives
- Rocket Fuel
- Rocket Engine
- Rocket Chip / Computer

Bomb parts:
- Bomb Body
- Bomb Explosives
- Bomb Chip / Computer
- Bomb Sighter
- Bomb Sensors

In this case, better to decrease their damage too. For example 100.000 damage / Rocket and 500.000 damage / Bomb.

Idea 2:

Bomb and Rocket factories. For makeing a Rocket or Bomb, you have to build a factory. To make them, you have to get special Technology papers, what you can get from the battlefields (like Bazooka parts). Each Technology paper got an extremly low droprate.

Materials for one Rocket:
- 5 Technology paper
- 1.000 weapon raw material

Material for one Bomb:
- 10 Technology paper
- 5.000 weapon raw material

Also Admins should change the Bazooka materials too, for 5 different Bazooka parts and 100 weapon raw material for each. There is a huge overproduction of weapon raw materials at the moment.

I hope you like one of my ideas and maybe Admins will read this too!

S H O U T:
[DM] Rockets and Bombs, in a different way http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-dm-rockets-and-bombs-in-a-different-way-2047649/1/20 Vote and Shout pls! Thanks!

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