[DM] Nuclear Bomb - The new weapon for Goverments

Day 1,656, 01:54 Published in Australia Hungary by zkminusck


First of all I want to thank for everyone who Voted my previous artcile and thanks for those, who commented some awesome ideas! In this article I want to merge these ideas into one possible way to implement nuclear bombs in the game. Let's see it.

In a lot of comments the players suggested, that bombs should be a Goverment only weapon. I think it's a really good idea. For example every Goverment should be able to build a Nuclear Bomb Factory (Nuke Factory) to develop the bombs. But a Nuke Factory not should be enough to build a bomb, the Goverment should build a Nuclear Research Center and a Bomb Part Factory (or something like that) too, to develop the technology, make the blueprints and also the parts of the bombs.

In these factorys only level 30+ players should be able to work and it costs 100 health / one work. For example for one Nuclear Bomb you have to get blueprints, lot of weapon raw material, bomb parts and tonns of national currency.

Please leave a comment with your ideas about:
- The damage of one bomb.
- An example of how much blueprints, raw materials, parts and currency should be needed to create a bomb.
- How much player should work on one bomb.
- How many bomb should a Goverment use in one battle.
- Only the Country President should "press the red button"?

I hope you like my new ideas and maybe Admins will read this too!

Thank you for reading my article, please don't forget to Vote it and also subscribe my newspaper! Feel free to send a friend request for me!

S H O U T:
[DM]Nuclear Bombs-The new weapon of Goverments http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-dm-nuclear-bomb-the-new-weapon-for-goverments-2049911/1/20 V + Shout it!