[Declaration of Independence] - Part two

Day 587, 09:25 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by dionysus

This revolution is far from over. It is still going strong and the revolution got the support of many people. However, people who didn't support it, obviously didn't get the general intention of the article, despite the explanation given in replies. That's why I publish this article to explain everything once and for all. Please read it all, so some things become clear. The answer to questions you still have might already be included in the article.

Big changes cannot be achieved instantly and by small events!!

My answer to that is that it might be true. However, the changes wouldn't be instantly. How long is the discussion about certain things going on already? How many people were and are having difficulties with minor changes that would better show Belgians that Dutch respect and accept them? Same goes the other way around.

Furthermore, even small events can be a catalyst to big changes. Look at the Boston Tea Party in the USA. It was a small event but it eventually led to the American Revolution and the birth of a new nation.

And what to think of the 95 theses of Martin Luther, which led to a new interpretation of a religion or the Dutch nobility who rise up against the prosecutions of protestant christians by the Spanish king, which led to the Dutch Revolution and gave us the country we live in today?

Don't change the name!!

Following things have been said more or less by people who spoke against a name change of this country:
* Republic of the United Lowlands, are you kidding me?
* I don't agree to the name.
* We voted on the current name already, why change it again now?

Even after some explanation I gave in the replies to the article, I still have to explain things, it seems. It was never about the name change of the country at all, the goal of the article was provocation and trying to get a mentality change in this country. I was unsatisfied with how things were going and therefore came with an article Declaration of independence. Independence from the things that weren't going as I wished. And with such a declaration also goes a new name and flag to support the so called revolution, whether it was a real revolution or not.

It atleast got the attention of many, many people. And I am glad because I haven't seen so much response on anything politically discussed lately. It put the unity, integration and equality back on the agenda.


People were crying about the fact that it should be put into referendum before any changes are made, because this is undemocratic. Next to that there were reactions that some people have too much influence and can change whatever they want. There was even an article stating that it is unbelievable some people have so much influence and it spoke about an oligarchy (in the past people spoke about the 'elite')

A few things:

a) A revolution is very often undemocratic, but also many times the only way to make great changes. In many occassions a country became more democratic BECAUSE OF a revolution. Furthermore, what definition would you give democratic? Democracy means the people rule and an revolution is started by a group of people (in fact, mine was supported by a large group of people, which means it was quite democratic).

b) Nothing has actually been changed, it was just a provocative article, for Pete's sake, something which has been told in replies over and over again. It wasn't the intention to change things without the consent of the public or the congress for that matter.

c) The group of people who seem to have so much influence according to others, are often also the only people who put a lot of time into this game to think of good changes and improvements for the nation. If others don't agree to it, they should speak up and participate actively. I even find it quite insulting that people, who are only participating minimally or not at all, are accusing people who DO spend a lot of time on this game of being elitist.

Forcing people to speak a different language??!!

It is not something I want in particular. I don't care what language people speak, being it French, Dutch, English, Frisian or Chinese. The fact is that every time an article is posted in French, people complain about it. Every time an article is posted in Dutch, other people complain about it. What better way to solve it than by only allowing English?
The best way to solve it is the mentality change I have mentioned many times now. Stop complaining about articles that are in a language you don't understand. If you cannot read it, use google translate or let a friend translate it for you if the article is really important.

What I don't get however is why French is not officially accepted as (minority) language in our country and Dutch is. There has been a discussion about it, but responses were not always positive. I find this kind of discrimination unbelievable. The fact that Walloons (French speaking Belgians) only joined a while after the merger between our countries doesn't change the fact that the language should have been accepted officially since the day they joined.

Now what?

The revolution still continues, I still believe there are things that need to be changed in this country. I see discrimination against others in the media nearly daily. Some Walloons calling the Dutch people 'Cheese' and some Dutch people calling the Walloons 'Garlic-eaters' are examples of this. Why this discrimination? What's the use? What good does it do this country? What good does it to your name?

We should finally accept eachother as fellow countrymen and move on to actually develop our country. Belgian Party was part of the government, but left after problems risen because of cultural differences and the fact they felt discriminated by their Dutch colleagues. That's something that we should be able to change, isn't it?

So what is the (possible) outcome of the revolution article so far?

* An active discussion about politics in this country
* Hopefully a mentality change with regards to the unity in this country
* National companies finally have a name representing this united nation (UNL), rather than only the Dutch
* Speeding up the progress of placement of a Q5 hospital in a former Belgian region (it is all taking so much time) - a discussion is now taking place
* More activity in the #UNL irc channel
* More activity on the forums

Changes can only be achieved when many people participate and cooperate. Change your mentality and start doing something for your country, regardless of the name. If you don't like how things are going, speak up in the media or start a discussion on the forums

I know I cannot force people to do so, but I can atleast try it here and now by stating my concerns.

And one last note:
Why are forums preferred above media for discussions?
A discussion can be held in the replies to the media article, but such an article will move to the background after two days. Forum topics don't have the problem with disappearing and it can go on as long as needed.

So join the forums at: http://www.enetherlands.nl

