政府工作报告(Day 926-932)

Day 933, 06:10 Published in China China by eChina

政府工作报告(Day 926-932)


大家好,不经不觉已来到六月。本想说e世界的战争开始放缓,但就在清晨毛子突然向芬兰 、美国、中国三国同时进攻,启动了无数的MPP,战争的大门将再次打开!既然毛子不要 命了,政府亦不敢怠慢,自当努力工作,从敌人的重大错误中争取最大的优势!信息部请大 家关注战况,看看毛子这个像疯了一样的举动,到底会不会改变世界的走向。

本周各公务员在一如既往努力不懈地为EC 的发展而作出努力,所以也请大家继续关注政府工作,共同创建造更强的e中国!

1. 财政部

部长兼央行行长: John Chen
分行长: kaycloud
一:提交并表决 5 月份决算案
链接: 按这里
二:提交并表决 6 月份决算案

2. 商务部

部长: mingo2009


当前问题, 无合同, 需可靠担保。 国家不缺G(不发行国债)

贷 款目的:
由于目前国家不缺G, 但经济结构在不断调整, 所以部分国民需要流动资金。 民间需要一定的财力帮助国家在必要时刻阻击炒汇

可 靠担保分类:
党派: 各党派相对稳定, 被PTO的概率很小。
囧统及前囧统: 公众人物, 影响力大。
内阁成员和议员: 需要数名以上才能担保

第一优先: 党派, 用途党企
第二优先: 私军, 包括党军,武器储备
第 三优先: 军方武器储备商, 在要求确保武器(如Q3)的库存基础上, 提供低息/无息贷款
第四优先: 个人

贷 款一切数据都以CNY为单位

提供商务平台, 每日一报纸, 需要购买原料 招收工人的都可以回复

商品的市场售价监督: 通过观察世界市场和国内市场, 根据税率和人工提出推荐价格, 避免因为恶性竞争而出现世界最低价
劳工市场监督: 通过市价和成本分析, 提出推荐性的工资范围

贷款不是融资的唯一途径, 国民集资也是一种可行的途径。 可以提供融资平台, 有意向者提出融资意向。

每个国 民都不一定是天生的经理, 但可以有计划地培训一批活跃的有经验的管理新人。

3. 国防部

部长: mariohexu
暂 时没有可以对外公开的计划

4. 外交部

部长: Xenon ng

5. 福利部

部长: caldari
副部长: choulord

新 开一座面向新人的福利厂。向黑龙江 移民发放机票。并且在辽宁之战时夜间蹲点开发一日工 。
现在福利部下属 3家福利企业。
在此 ,我感谢福利部的每一个工作人员的努力。
特别感 谢西瓜等爱国企业家的反坑厂行动。
并且特别感谢 福利部操作员 offside 他管理的铁厂是现在福利部人数最多的厂子,整个福利 部最辛苦的人就是他了。。。
6月份,福利部 像以前那样为新人服务,努力压制任何坑害ec新人的 行为。

6. 教育部

部长: jiqimaono2
副部长: China JimO
一,首先也是最主要的,保证每一位注册两天内达到3级的玩家都有一位专业新人指导员和 他联系
二,落实新人 救助计划,制定新人救助计划的基本框架
三,把指导员工作流程,人员要求,上岗培训过程.教育部各官员基本职责,落实成文字性 的章程,供后人借鉴

7. 信息部

部长: fabio da silva
副部长: HeadlessAlex
收集工作计划, 联络部门进行合作事宜,编写问卷

8. 科技部

科技部: dominions
由于部长htys辞任, 目前正在处理

English version:

Weekly Work Report of eChina Government from Day 926 to 932

Dear Citizens,

Greetings! Time flies, it's already the second week of June. While we thought that the World War had already started to slow down, we are astonished by a series of military events - eRussia attacked eFinland, eUSA, and eChina simultaneously in the early today! This suicidal move activated countless of MPPs, and surely the flames of war will spread to the eGlobe again. The Governmet has never been sluggish, we will take advantage of enemy's failure. The Ministry of Information now invites citizens, together with us, pay close attention to this war.

As usual, all civil servants put in their best efforts for the sake of our future. So please also continue to focus on the government work and give us opinions, for a stronger eChina!

The following is the government work report for first week of June.

1. Ministry of finance

Minister, and also President of the People's bank of China (PboC): John Chen
President of the Branch of PboC: kaycloud

The work report of this week:
1. Submitted and voted on final accounts of budget of May
Link:click here
2. Submitted and voted on final accounts of budget of May
In progress

2. Ministry of Commerce

Minister: mingo2009

We have made an assessment about the prospects of the followings:

| - Loans
| - Commercial activities
| - Supervision
| - Guidance

The current issues is that contracts are not being recognised by admin, and a guarantor may be needed if necessary. We don't have a lack of golds. (not issue treasury bonds)

Purpose of the loans:
Currently we are not lacking golds, but as the economic structure is constantly adjusting, some of the citizens may need golds for maintaining liquidity. The popular may need some financial help to fight against currency speculation when the time comes.

The possible guarantors could be:
The political parties: They are relatively stable, and the risk of being PTOed is small.
The current and the former presidents: They are the public figures and with great influencing power.
The members of the Cabinet and the Congress: Several members are needed for the assurance

The borrowers:
Top priority: political parties, and their party enterprise.
Second priority: Private military, including the party's military and weapons reserves.
Third priority: Military weapons strategic storage. On the basis of weapons stock insurance (such as Q3), we provide low interest / interest-free loans
Fourth priority: personal

All loans are in terms of CNY
Ministry of Commerce should ensure that the total loan does not exceed 50000CNY a month

Commercial Supervision:
Supervision for pricing for goods: A recommended price will be made according to the tax rate and salary, through the observation on the eGlobal market and local market. This is done to prevent under-pricing resulted from constant vicious competition in the market.

Supervision of the labor market: A suggested salary range will be made through the analysis of market and salary dynamics.

Commercial activities:
Our daily newspaper can be used as a platform for the commercial activities, such as buying raw materials and workers recruitment.

Loan-type financing is not the only way for financing. It also be done by raising funds among citizens. We can provide a financing platform for the public.

Not all citizens are born to be a manager, but we believe that they can be trained to become one of the professionals.

3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

Minister: Xenon Ng
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has renewed the ambassadors in this week.
Besides, we have contacted our allies for the MPP renewal.

4. Ministry of SinoDefense

Minister: mariohexu
We don't have plan that can be announced to the public.

5.Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Minister: Xenon ng
OnD928,we have post the working report,link

6 Ministry of Welfare

Minister: caldari
Deputy minister: choulord

Report of May
A new company is established for nurturing our new players. We have issued moving tickets for migrating citizens to Heilongjiang. We have offered day work for our fighters during the Liaoning battle.

We now have 3 companies for new players nurturing.
I hereby give my sincere thanks to all our staff and also our patriotic entrepreneurs, especially watermelon for their effort in fighting against the companies that solely intended for killing new players.

Special thanks are given to our staff, offside for his hard work. The company that he managed got the most employees among our companies. We appreciate his greatest effort.

Same as what we did in the past, Ministry of Welfare will continue to provide assistance for new players and fight against activities that is harmful to newbies.

7. Ministry of Education

Minister: jiqimaono2
Deputy Minister: China JimO

The plans of this month:
1: first and foremost, to ensure that there will be a professional instructor to contact every new players, who managed to reach level 3 within 2 days after registration, for providing guidance and assistance.
2: Draft and implement the "new player rescue plan".
3: "Standard Operation Procedure, Requirement, Training and Responsibilities of our staff" to be written as a constitution for future reference use.

8. Ministry of Information

Minister: fabio da silva
Deputy Minister: HeadlessAlex
We collect plans from Ministries, contact departments for co-operation, and prepare questionnaires.

9. Ministry of Technology

Minister: dominions
The minister htys has resigned.
We sincerely thanks for his great work.

欢迎大家通过信息部组织号fabio da silvaHeadlessAlex的信箱对信息部的工作提出意见和建议。
Please give your recommendations on the work of the Ministry of Information by a PM to the organization eChina, or to fabio da silva and HeadlessAlex.


国防部 Ministry of SinoDefence | 财政部 Ministry of SinoFinance
央行 PBoC Records | 分行 Branch of PBoC Records
教育部 Ministry of SinoEducation | 福利部 Chinese Welfare
外交部 Chinese Diplomatic Corps | 信息部 eChina News
CIA CIA Press | 科技部:军统