政府工作报告(Day 919-925)

Day 925, 01:23 Published in China China by eChina

政府工作报告(Day 919-925)



一、 菲律宾解放战争

在菲律宾遭到印尼入侵后,我国对我们的传统盟友菲律宾伸出了援手。从eRep时间Da y 920开始,我国战士纷纷投入对印尼战场,以解救菲律宾。国家对参与此次作战的所有国 民(空手作战的除外),将按照1g/1500伤害的标准进行事后补助。如果根据伤害计 算补助额超过实际使用武器价格,则只补助武器 的费用。

国防部军令Day 920
国防部军令Day 923
国防部军令Day 924
国防部军令Day 925


1. 央行及分行

(1) 分行行长kaycloud上任。链接:[央行]分行行长任命公告Day 920

(2) 分行行长kaycloud公布了交接后的分行账目。链接:Day 920分行管理交接及账目明细

(3) 由于CNY卖单一度上升到20页,所以分行决定暂停出售CNY,以便于EC普 通国民的CNY流通,目前CNY卖单已经降至15页,分行将会适时继续出售CNY。本 周基本无操作。

2. CNDA军

本周CNDA从发展期进入稳定期,第一个训练周期即将结束;此次辽宁全民补贴由CND A军后勤处接力发放,共635人次。

3. 教育部



4. 福利部


5. 外交部


6. 信息部

(1) 第八期的城市论坛,由前总统The Samurai和著名媒体【熊猫号角】主编shawkcn担当嘉宾。链接: 『城市论坛』第八期


(2) 信息部本周对EDEN的入盟邀请和《EDEN联盟条约》进行了翻译,希望为国会和国民探讨是否加入EDEN的问题时提供参考。链接: 【信息部】EDEN入盟邀请与《EDEN联盟条约》

7. 科技部


English version:

Weekly Work Report of eChina Government from Day 919 to Day 925 (eRep Time)

Dear citizens,

Here is the weekly work report of eChina government from Day 919 to Day 925 (eRepublik time).

First, we will introduce several important issues in this week.


After the invasion of Philippine by Indonesia, eChina provided military support to our ally to help liberate their territories. Fron Day 920 (eRep time), our fighters began to participate in the fights against the Indonesians. The government would provide subsidies afterwards for fighters participating in the battles, except the bare-hand fighters. The standard of subsidy is 1G/1500 damage, and if the amount of subsidy calculated according to this standard exceeds the actual cost of weapons used, the government would only provide subsidy for the weapons.

Relevant links:

DoSD Order for Day 920
DoSD Order for Day 923
DoSD Order for Day 924
DoSD Order for Day 925
[Military Statistics]Statistics on the Battle of Luzon: 600K Damage by eChina
[Military Statistics]Statistics on the Battle of Visayas: 550K Damage by eChina

Other routine work:

1. People's Bank of China and the Branch of PBoC

(1) kaycloud was appointed as the President of the Branch of PboC. Link: [PBoC]Announcement on Appointment of the President of the Branch of PboC - Day 920

(2) kaycloud, the President of the Branch of PboC, released the accounts of the Branch after she took the office. Link: Hand-over of Management Work and Accounts of the Branch of PboC on Day 920

(3) Because the offers selling CNY took up 20 pages, the Branch of PBoC decided to suspend the sale of CNY, in order to facilitate the circulation of CNY among the citizens. Currently, the pages for offers selling CNY decreased to 15 pages, and the Branch would continue to sell CNY according to the circumstances. Basically, there were no other operations during this week.


During this week, CNDA stepped into the period of stable development. The first training period would end soon. Also, the Logistics Division of CNDA took charge of the distribution of subsidies for fighters in the battle of Liaoning, and has distributed subsidies for 635 persons/times in total.

3. Ministry of SinoEducation

In order to arouse new players' interest in politics, the Ministry of SinoEducation would write a series of articles introducing the political parties of eChina, using the materials collected from each party. During this week, the first article of this series was released, introducing the top 5 parties of eChina. Link: [Ministry of SinoEducation] Introduction to Policital Parties of eChina, Issue 1 – Top 5 Parties

In addition, KeyFantasy, the Minister of Educaton is planning to retire.

4. Ministry of Welfare

The Ministry of Welfare continued its routine work. Also, the Ministry discovered that about 90% of new players had chosen landing as their profession and wished the government and citizens to pay attention to this.

5. Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs focused on the communications with Philippine and Malaysia, making efforts to recover territories of Philippine.

6. Ministry of Information

(1) In the eighth week of the City Forum, the Ministry of Information invited The Samurai, the former Country President, and shawkcn, the editor of the Panda's Horn, to be the guests. Link: [City Forum] Eighth Week

The links for the last seven weeks of the City Forum are as follows:
[City Forum] Seventh Week
[City Forum] Sixth Week
[City Forum] Fifth Week
[City Forum] Fourth Week
[City Forum] Third Week
[City Forum] Second Week
[City Forum] First Week

(2) The Ministry of Information translated the invitaion from EDEN and EDEN Treaty into Chinese, serving as a reference for the congressmen and citizens when discussing whether we should join EDEN. Link: [Ministry of Information] Chinese Translations of EDEN's Invitation and EDEN Treaty

7. Ministry of Technology

The Ministry of Technology continued to provide the population statistics and military statistics.

Translated by Dandelion Ou

欢迎大家通过信息部组织号MaxHoToDandelion Ou的信箱对信息部的工作提出意见和建议。
Please give your recommendations on the work of the Ministry of Information by a PM to the organization eChina, or to MaxHoTo and Dandelion Ou.


国防部 Ministry of SinoDefence | 财政部 Ministry of SinoFinance
央行 PBoC Records | 分行 Branch of PBoC Records
教育部 Ministry of SinoEducation | 福利部 Chinese Welfare
外交部 Chinese Diplomatic Corps | 信息部 eChina News
CIA CIA Press | 科技部: 中统 | 军统