政府工作报告(Day 912-918)

Day 918, 11:36 Published in China China by eChina

政府工作报告(Day 912-91😎



一、 辽宁战役

eRep时间Day 916,解放辽宁的战役开始了。此次战役由e美国发起,e中国动员了大量军人和平民移 动到e美国参与作战。e中国输出了史无前例的136万移动伤害,我们感谢所有参与作战 的战士们以及坐镇国内保持生产的人民!虽然此战并未胜利,但我们相信这是对ec士气的 一次大大鼓舞!


国防部军令Day 916
国防部军令Day 917
【军统】辽宁战斗 CMC坦克视频
【军统】辽宁最终数 据:中国公民136万移动伤害

二、 EDEN发来正式入盟邀请


鉴于数月以来e中国在历次军事行动中对EDEN的配合,EDEN认为是时候让e中国与 EDEN之间的关系更进一步。

EDEN近来一直致力于解决内部的问题,现在他们认为已经准备好了。EDEN内部的最 后一道程序也已通过——对是否邀请e中国加入EDEN的官方表决给出了“是”的答案。 现在EDEN正等待e中国的答复。


与其他国家的外交关系由成员国自行决定,但成员国有义务告知其外交行动以及与EDEN 其他成员国利益相关的事宜。入盟也意味着必须遵守有关与他国共享情报信息的规定。但基 本上,成员国的国际关系将保持不变。

e中国与EDEN成员国的军事合作已经相当出色。但入盟后,e中国的代表将有权对ED EN的每一项决策表决,并参与EDEN的全球军事战略制定。成员国须派出坦克加入ED EN的移动部队EMC,参与进攻和防御行动。同时,应承担帮助盟友的义务,而在需要时 其他盟友也会帮助e中国。

入盟后,e中国能够积极参与经济方面的建设。战争的大量开销表明,军事和经济的有效组 织有着密切关系,EDEN今后将更加注重经济方面。

如果入盟,e中国将被当作兄弟一般对待。所有成员国将会提供后勤、外交和媒体上的支持 。EDEN是由各个独立的国家组成,所以各个国家的单独计划是允许存在的。各个国家将 自己的计划告知EDEN后,EDEN将作为一个团队提供帮助。

在过去数月里,EDEN逐渐意识到e中国是真正的朋友。e中国度过了许多艰难岁月,却 从未放弃,这值得钦佩。e中国一直韬光养晦,等待着绝地反攻的机会,而且e中国始终能 够找到必要的人和方法来帮助他人。这种奉献和合作精神正是EDEN的精神。

Erepublik防御与经济网络(EDEN)在此正式邀请e中国加入EDEN。通过 这一邀请,EDEN宣布,e中国一旦入盟,将享有EDEN条约中规定的成员国权利和特 权,并且有义务在国境以内和以外奉行EDEN的共同尊重、忠诚、英勇、团结、友谊和牺 牲精神。EDEN耐心等待e中国的答复,无论e中国最终做出怎样的答复,EDEN都表 示尊重。


关于是否加入EDEN,政府首先将在国会开启讨论,并将开启全民公投。由于国会选举涉 及议员更迭,因此我们并未第一时间开启国会讨论。而正式的国会讨论在新一届议员上任后 将立即启动。对于是否加入EDEN,需要全体议员三分之二的一致表决,以及全民公投三 分之二以上的一致意见,方可做出最终决定。


1. 央行及分行

(1) 分行行长Yuzhuxi辞职。央行和分行现正招募人手。链接:

(2) 国会批准了将央行的常规储备额度提高到300,000 CNY,一旦央行货币储备低于300,000 CNY,即可启动印钞程序。链接:【国会公告】印钞程序修改

(3) D916-917 汇率紧张成功平息。

2. 国防部

(1) 国家军事联席会议成立,运作正常。 目前参与会议的军队有:CNDA、CMC、SMART、PLA、SDF、LLEC训练 营、高登某军、银龙团、红衫军。

(2) 参与了菲律宾的相关军事行动。 详情见:

(3) CNDA 完成了整编(目前CNDA并不属于国防部管辖)。整编后,CNDA有军人104人。

3. 教育部

教育部在继续进行本职工作教育指导新人和发放新人救助的同时,再次更新了指导员,并准 备使用预算展开一些新人活动(讨论中)。


4. 福利部

福利部本周开始了对采集市场0技能最高工资的控制, 力争每个新人能够进入福利部的1星公司开始就业之旅 ,再次衷心感谢Purple Watermelon对福利部的协助。

另外再次 呼吁3星以上的国内企业不要招收0到1技能的填坑, 也许你会多赚1到2cny,但是EC少的就是1到2 份新鲜血液。

5. 外交部

外交部发布了半月工作报告,请移步阅读:【外交部MOFA】过去半个月工作报告 Half month report (May 6 – May 20, 2010)

同时,外交部于Day 916任命了e中国驻e德国及e意大利外交大使。链接:【外交部MOFA】(Day 916) 外交大使任命更新 Update on the list of ambassadors

6. 信息部

(1) 第七期的城市论坛,由教育部长KeyFantasy和CNDA军长兼福利部部长zealous.b担当嘉宾。链接: 『城市论坛』第七期


(2) 信息部新开办了【每周时评】栏目。该栏目将邀请特约撰稿人,分析国际、国内形势,每周出刊一期。本周是由国防部的顾问wjqcool带来的文章。链接:【每周时评】V2版需要怎样的军队

7. 科技部

中统和军统继续为大家带来人口和战斗数据的统计。链接:【中 统】中国人口统计报告/eChina Statistics Report 20100522 【军 统】辽宁最终数据:中国公民136万移动伤害

English version:

Weekly Work Report of eChina Government from Day 912 to Day 918 (eRep Time)

Dear citizens,

Here is the weekly work report of eChina government from Day 912 to Day 918 (eRepublik time).

First, we will introduce several important issues in this week.


On Day 916 (eRep time), the battle of Liaoning began. eUSA attacked the Serbian-held Liaoning. eChina motivated a large number of fighters to move to eUSA and fight in the battle. eChina's damage output amounted to 1.36 million, which was unprecedented in history. We highly appreciate those fighters participating in the battle and those citizens staying at home to provide supplies and support. Though we failed, we showed our courage and determination to the whole world!

Currently, the Ministry of SinoDefence is doing statistics on the damage output, which will be used as the basis for the subsidies.

Relevant links:

DoSD Order for Day 916
DoSD Order for Day 917
[Military Statistics] Vedio on Tanking of CMC
[Military Statistics]Statistics on the Battle of Liaoning: 1.36 Million of Damage Output by eChina Citizens


EDEN made a formal invitation to the people of eChina. Link: [EDEN] An Invitation to the People of eChina

About the issue whether to join EDEN, the government will hold a discussion in the Congress, as well as a referendum. Due to the transition of the Congress, we will not hold the discussion in the Congress until the new congressmen take the office. The decision whether to join EDEN requires more than two thirds of the affirmative votes of the Congress and more than two thirds of the affirmative votes of all citizens.

Other routine work:

1. People's Bank of China and the Branch of PBoC

(1) Yuzhuxi, the President of the Branch of PBoC resigned and the People's Bank of China and the Branch of PBoC are recruiting. Link:

(2) The Congress approved that the regular CNY reserve of PBoC should be increased to 300,000 CNY. Once the CNY reserve is lower than 300,000 CNY, the Congress should start to issue money. Link: [Congress Announcement] Change of the Procedure for Issuing Money

(3) The fuctuation of the exchange rate of CNY during Day 916 and Day 917 has been stabilized.

2. Ministry of SinoDefence

(1) The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) has been established and start to run. Armies participating in the JCS include CNDA, CMC, SMART, PLA, SDF, LLEC Training Camp, an army of HK Golden, Yin Long Unit (银龙团) and Red Shirt (红衫军).

(2) We participated in the relevant operations in Phillipines. Link:

(3) The reorganization of CNDA has been completed, and now CNDA is not under the control of the Ministry of SinoDefence. After the reorganization, CNDA now has 104 soldiers.

3. Ministry of SinoEducation

The Ministry of SinoEducation continued to guide new players and distribute rescue materials to new players. Meanwhile, the Ministry recruited new instructors. The Ministry is also planning to use the budget to carry out activities for new players (under discussion).

During this week, the Ministry collected the publicity materials of each party and will publish speical series to introduce each party after the completion of the Congress campaign.

4. Ministry of Welfare

The Ministry of Welfare began to conttol the maximum salary of 0-skill landing workers, in order to ensure that each new player may work at the Q 1 company of the Ministry. The Ministry wants to give sincere appreciation to Purple Watermelon for his support to the Ministry of Welfare.

In addition, the Ministry of Welfare hopes that Q 3+ companies of eChina do not employ 0-skill or 1-skill workers, in order to make more new players survive.

5. Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the half-month work report. Please read it through the following link: [MOFA] Half-month report (May 6 – May 20, 2010)

Also, the Ministry appointed a new ambassador to eGermany and eItaly on Day 916. Link: [MOFA] (Day 916) Update on the list of ambassadors

6. Ministry of Information

(1) In the seventh week of the City Forum, the Ministry of Information invited KeyFantasy, the Minister of Education, and zealous.b, the Commander of CNDA and Minister of Welfare, to be the guests. Link: [City Forum] Seventh Week

The links for the last six weeks of the City Forum are as follows:
[City Forum] Sixth Week
[City Forum] Fifth Week
[City Forum] Fourth Week
[City Forum] Third Week
[City Forum] Second Week
[City Forum] First Week

(2) The Ministry of Information established a new column, the [Weekly Commentary on Currenty Events]. Under this column, we will invite special contributors to express their opinions on the situation of eChina and the world. This week, wjqcool, an adviser of the Ministry of SinoDefence, wrote an article on the kind of army which fits the requirements of V2. Link: [Weekly Commentary on Current Events] What Kind of Army Can Satisfy Requirements of V2

7. Ministry of Technology

The Ministry of Technology continued to provide the population statistic and military statistics.

Translated by Dandelion Ou

欢迎大家通过信息部组织号MaxHoToDandelion Ou的信箱对信息部的工作提出意见和建议。
Please give your recommendations on the work of the Ministry of Information by a PM to the organization eChina, or to MaxHoTo and Dandelion Ou.


国防部 Ministry of SinoDefence | 财政部 Ministry of SinoFinance
央行 PBoC Records | 分行 Branch of PBoC Records
教育部 Ministry of SinoEducation | 福利部 Chinese Welfare
外交部 Chinese Diplomatic Corps | 信息部 eChina News
CIA CIA Press | 科技部: 中统 | 军统